Takatora Summit in Kora 2010 高虎サミットin甲良

The Takatora Summit was held in Kora-cho's Zaiji area on May 9, 2010. It was Kora's second time to host the summit. The first time was in 2000. Zaiji Hachiman Shrine was one of the festival venues.

Torii to Zaiji Hachiman Shrine, the birthplace of Todo Takatora (1556-1630). Since 1998, the Takatora Summit has been held once every two years in one of four places (Kora, Tsu and Iga in Mie, and Imabari, Ehime) having a close connection with Takatora.

The beautiful wisteria was in full bloom. The name "Todo" includes the kanji character for "fuji" or wisteria. 藤

A giant taiko drum was also on display at the shrine.

Zaiji was the former Todo village (藤堂村). Lord Todo Takatora was a famous daimyo who was expert at building castles. He had a hand in building castles in Tsu, Kameyama, Imabari, Edo, and more.

Zaiji Hachiman Shrine also offered a rest place where tea and sweets were served.

The shrine's Haiden Hall was used as an entertainment stage during the Takatora Summit in Kora.

The road from Hachiman Shrine to Takatora Park. Another giant taiko drum.

The road near Takatora Park was lined with souvenir booths and food stalls.

This booth was from Iga, Mie Prefecture.

Iga's booth.

Todo Takatora sake.

This was good, from Kora.

Sightseeing pamphlets from all the Takatora-related cities who came.

More booths.

Sculptures made of styrofoam.

Day's schedule.

Takatora Park was decorated with these banners.

Banner reads "Birthtplace of Lord Todo Takatora."

Statue of Takatora in a pond at Takatora Park.

Takatora Park was the main venue for the Takatora Summit. The first program started at 11 am and they introduced official mascots from Takatora-related cities.

The MC was Kayme, radio personality from from FM Shiga (e-radio). She introduced the names of all the mascots on stage. ケイミー

About 10 mascot characters were introduced on stage.

Mayor of Tsu, Mie Prefecture. Tsu Castle was built by Takatora.

Mayor of Iga, Mie.

Mayor's representative from Imabari, Ehime.

Each mascot was introduced in detail by its handler.

Non-chan is a horse from Imabari. Imabari Castle was built by Takatora. のんちゃん

Ninta and Shinobu ninja mascots from Iga. Iga-Ueno Castle was renovated by Takatora who constructed high castle walls. にん太・しのぶ

From Kameyama, Kyoto. Kameyama Castle was built by Akechi Mitsuhide and Takatora contributed to later construction. Only castle walls and moats remain. Now occupied by a religious group.

By coincidence, I've been to all these castles related to Takatora.

Hikone's Hiko-nyan also made it to the summit. Hikone is Kora's the neighboring city.

Shrine maiden mascot from Taga, Shiga.

Toramaru from Tsu, Mie. 藤堂とらまる

Tora-nyan, Kora's official mascot.



Shiromochi-kun from Tsu. シロモチくん

Toramaru from Tsu, Mie.

Samurai procession on stage.

They wear home-made armor.

Takatora Summit in Kora, Shiga

Mayors and other dignitaries look forward to the next Takatora Summit at Iga-Ueno Castle. Each city take turns hosting the summit held every two years. The last time Kora hosted it was in 2000.

Mayors vow to meet at the next Takatora Summit.

Cute warrior

They drummed on the giant taiko.

At 2 pm, the "Summit" was held on stage.

Jogakuji temple of the Jodo Shinshu Sect held a terakoya session. A short walk from Takatora Park. 浄覚寺

Terakoya session at Jogakuji temple. There was a storyteller, kami-shibai, and traditional games for kids.

Before schools were established in Japan, the temples served as educational institutions for the children. 浄覚寺 寺子屋の再現

Afterward, they played traditional games.

At 3 pm, the keynote speaker gave a talk about Takatora.

The keynote speaker was Abe Ryutaro, a novelist who wrote a novel about Takatora. Some people hope that his novel will be turned into a TV drama series. 安部龍太郎

A ninja show performed by an Iga-ryu ninja trouope called Kurondo from Iga, Mie. 黒党

Ninja show

Capping the day's events was the Takatora Taiko troupe from Tsu. 高虎太鼓

The festivities and summit ended at 6:30 pm.

Dig this van with a ninja on top.

My YouTube video of the Takatora Summit in Kora.