Home > SHIGA 滋賀県 > Lake Biwa Rowing Song 琵琶湖周航の歌 英語版

"Lake Biwa Rowing Song" Locations 琵琶湖周航の歌の名所


Pictures of places related to this nationally famous song (Biwako Shuko no Uta) composed by Oguchi Taro and his college boatmates from Kyoto who rowed completely around Lake Biwa in 1917. Each verse sings about different places along the lake: Otsu, Omi-Maiko, Imazu, Chikubushima, Nagahama, Mt. Ibuki, Hikone, and Chomeiji.

65 files, last one added on Jan 13, 2022
Album viewed 559 times

Biwako Shuko no Uta Song Monuments 琵琶湖周航の歌 歌碑


Shiga Prefecture has a monument for each of the six verses at the respective places mentioned in the song "Biwako Shuko no Uta" (Lake Biwa Rowing Song). Kyoto University and Okaya in Nagano Prefecture also have a song monument. More info about Lake Biwa Rowing Song here.

67 files, last one added on Nov 12, 2022, 12 linked files, 79 files total
Album viewed 456 times

Lake Biwa Rowing Song Performances 英語版の公の場


Public performances of "Lake Biwa Rowing Song" ever since June 3, 2006 when the song was sung in public for the first time in Imazu, Shiga.

72 files, last one added on May 17, 2017
Album viewed 545 times

Lake Biwa Rowing Song News Articles 新聞記事


Japanese newspaper articles related to Lake Biwa Rowing Song. More info about Lake Biwa Rowing Song here. 英語版関連の新聞記事。

24 files, last one added on Jan 09, 2018
Album viewed 299 times

Oguchi Taro 小口太郎


Oguchi Taro is one of Okaya's most honored sons. Best known for writing the song "Biwako Shuko no Uta" (Lake Biwa Rowing Song). A monument dedicated to him and his song is on the shore of Lake Suwa. Also see the video at YouTube. More info about Taro Oguchi here.

1 files, last one added on Nov 30, 2005, 26 linked files, 27 files total
Album viewed 257 times

Yoshida Chiaki Home 吉田千秋の生家


Home of Yoshida Chiaki who composed a song called "Hitsuji-gusa" (Water Lilies) whose melody was used for the song "Biwako Shuko no Uta" (Lake Biwa Rowing Song). More about Yoshida Chiaki here.

15 files, last one added on Mar 13, 2013
Album viewed 310 times

Exhibitions 写真展


Pictures of photo exhibitions I've held since Nov. 2005 to introduce the Lake Biwa Rowing Song (Biwako Shuko no Uta), mainly in Shiga Prefecture and once in Kyoto in 2011.

122 files, last one added on Dec 03, 2011, 15 linked files, 137 files total
Album viewed 295 times

90th Anniversary 開示90周年記念事業


On June 16, 2007, Imazu marked the 90th anniversary of the song by organizing a boat cruise on Lake Biwa and other activities. We also introduced our Lake Biwa Rowing Song CD this day. チャーター船による琵琶湖周航クルージング

52 files, last one added on Jun 21, 2007
Album viewed 1989 times

8 albums on 1 page(s)