
Motsuji temple is part of the "Historic Monuments and Sites of Hiraizumi" World Heritage Site. It belongs to the Tendai Buddhist sect. This is the gate to enter Motsuji temple.

Motsuji was founded in 850 by Ennin, the third abbot of Tendai based at Enryakuji temple atop Mt. Hiei in Shiga Prefecture. This is their museum called Cultural Assets Repository.

Since most of the temple structures burnt down, the main attraction today is the 800-year-old Pure Land Garden featuring a large pond called Oizumi ga Ike.

English translation of a Haiku poem by Basho, in reference to the temple buildings that were long gone when he visited.

About the haiku poem by Basho.

Haiku poet Basho monument

What Motsu-ji temple looked like before.

Weeping cherries and Motsuji's Hondo hall in Hiraizumi, Iwate Prefecture.

Motsuji's Hondo main hall was built in 1989.

Motsuji's Hondo main hall was built in 1989.

Incense burner

Motsu-ji's Hondo main hall.

About Motsuji's Hondo main hall. Nice to see English explanations.

Inside Motsuji's Hondo main hall. It worships Yakushi, flanked by two Boddhisatvas, Nikko ("Daylight") and Gakko ("Moonlight").

After you see the Hondo main hall, you basically walk around the garden's Oizumi ga Ike pond while seeing former temple sites and smaller buildings.

The garden has been restored to its original condition.

About mountain-like formations.

Irises donated by Meiji Jingu Shrine in Tokyo.

Oizumi ga Ike pond at Motsuji temple, in Hiraizumi, Iwate Prefecture. World Heritage Site.

Kaisando is the Founder's Hall dedicated to Priest Ennin. 開山堂

About Kaisando, the Founder's Hall dedicated to Priest Ennin.

Inside Kaisando, the Founder's Hall dedicated to Priest Ennin.

Oizumi ga Ike pond at Motsuji temple, in Hiraizumi, Iwate Prefecture. World Heritage Site.

Site of Kashoji temple at Motsuji, Hiraizumi. 嘉祥寺

Site of Kashoji temple at Motsuji, Hiraizumi. 嘉祥寺

Site of Kashoji temple at Motsuji, Hiraizumi. 嘉祥寺

Site of Enryuji temple's Kondo hall at Motsuji, Hiraizumi. 圓隆寺

Site of Enryuji temple's Kondo hall at Motsuji, Hiraizumi. It's depressing to keep seeing these empty plots which used to have magnificent temple structures. 圓隆寺

Yarimizu stream feeding water to the pond.

Yarimizu stream feeding water to the pond.

Yarimizu stream feeding water to the pond.

About the Yarimizu stream feeding water to the pond.

Site of the temple bell or befry.

Motsuji's Hondo hall on the right as seen from across the pond.

Jizo Bosatsu statue.

About the Jizo Bosatsu statue.


Jogyodo Hall, this building was built in 1732.

Jogyodo Hall, Motsuji temple, Hiraizumi.

About Jogyodo Hall.

Jogyodo Hall worships Amida Buddha.

Temple bell rebuilt in 1975.

About the new temple bell.

About Suhama Beach

Suhama Beach is a peninsular beach at Motsuji temple, Hiraizumi, Iwate Prefecture. World Heritage Site.

Rocks representing peninsular sea cliffs. One symbol of the garden.