Home > IWATE 岩手県 > Hiraizumi 平泉町

Chusonji temple 中尊寺


The main temple at the Hiraizumi World Heritage Site. The golden and ornate Konjikido Hall is a National Treasure.

104 files, last one added on Feb 15, 2013
Album viewed 506 times

Motsuji temple 毛越寺


Motsuji temple is part of the "Historic Monuments and Sites of Hiraizumi" World Heritage Site. It belongs to the Tendai Buddhist sect. Founded in 850 by Ennin, the third abbot of Tendai based at Enryakuji temple atop Mt. Hiei in Shiga Prefecture. Since most of the temple structures burnt down, the main attraction today is the 800-year-old Pure Land Garden featuring a large pond called Oizumi ga Ike. It's short distance away from Chusonji temple.

61 files, last one added on May 18, 2012
Album viewed 289 times

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