Shakujii-Koen Station on the Seibu Ikebukuro Line. 石神井公園駅
Road to Shakujii Park.
One end of Shakujii Park.
Shakujii Pond 石神井池
Swan boats on Shakujii Pond. 石神井公園
Shakujii Pond 石神井池
What is this?
An egret stalking insects. It did not mind us photographers only meters away.
The only egret which never flew away when I approached.
Notice the black legs and yellow feet.
Trail to the other end of the park.
There is a walking path around the entire park with two ponds.
Sanpoji Pond 三宝寺池
Ukimido Pavilion good for feeding ducks.
Map of park. The park is a long, elongated shape.
Shakujii-Koen Station, North Entrance