Ainokura 相倉
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Ainokura can be reached by bus from Shirakawa-go in Gifu Prefecture. Some scenery along the way by bus to Ainokura.

Looks like Suganuma, another village in Gokayama area.

Entry road to Ainokura village. Bus stop shelter on right.

Way to Ainokura, one of the gasshou-zukuri villages in the Gokayama region designated as a World Heritage Site. Ainokura has over 20 houses with steep thatched-roof houses amid high mountains. Ainokura is also a National Important Traditional Townscape Preservation District (重要伝統的建造物群保存地区).

What you see first is a big parking lot for tour buses. Then you see the hordes of tourists.

Ainokura monument

View of Ainokura which is also a National Important Traditional Townscape Preservation District (重要伝統的建造物群保存地区).

View of Ainokura from a hill

Bird's eye view of Ainokura 相倉展望台



Ainokura is smaller than Shirakawa-go, but still tourist-driven.

Center of Ainokura and souvenir shop.

Thatched roofs

Ainenji temple 相念寺

These pictures were taken in the fall.

Spare thatch, Ainokura

Center of Ainokura

Monument in the center of Ainokura.

Gassho Storehouse 合掌小屋造り


Looks traditional on the outside, but modern on the inside.

Thatched roof and persimmon tree

Fire hydrant

Ainokura Folk Museum No. 1 南砺市相倉民俗館1号館Exhibits related to life in Ainokura and the gassho-zukuri houses.

Ainokura Folk Museum No. 1

Inside Ainokura Folk Museum No. 1

Inside Ainokura Folk Museum No. 1

Inside Ainokura Folk Museum No. 1

Roof peg

Gassho hari

Silk-making implements

Hair pins

Snow coat made of straw.

Snow outfit

Spare thatch

Left side was recently reroofed.

Ainokura Folk Museum No. 2 南砺市相倉民俗館2号館Exhibits related to the traditional industries of Ainokura such as gunpowder manufacturing and washi paper making.

Inside Ainokura Folk Museum No. 2

Implements for making gunpowder used in matchlock guns.

Traditional musical instruments.


Washi paper


Shrine torii


Monument commemorating the marriage of Crown Prince Hiro (right) and birth of Princess Aiko (left)

Souvenir of Ainokura

Road sign showing way to Ainokura.

Johana Station