Karasuma Mizunomori Lotus Pond 水生植物公園みずの森
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Karasuma Peninsula in Kusatsu. There is a large lotus pond behind the windmill. About 20 min. by bus from JR Kusatsu Station.

Entrance to Mizunomori garden (Suisei Shokubutsu Koen Mizu no Mori). Open 9 am to 5 pm (enter by 4:30 pm). Closed Mon. MAP

Sad to report that this huge lotus field stopped growing and blooming from summer 2016. There is very little chance for its recovery.

Huge lotus pond at Karasuma Peninsula in Kusatsu, Shiga. Used to bloom in summer.

Experts have concluded that the lake bottom has become too sandy instead of having the fine clay-like soil that the lotus require.Methane gas is also on the increase and there's a lack of oxygen due to the layers of dead lotus plants.

The lotus used to bloom in July. In 1975, there was only 4 hectares. By 2004, it covered 13 hectares.

However, in summer 2016, these lotus plants died. Cause remained a mystery for a while until experts concluded it was due to sandy soil.

Lotus pond at Karasuma Peninsula.

Mt. Mikami in background of lotus pond in Kusatsu.

Lotus species is called Karasumasan. Glad I visited when I did.

Lotus at Karasuma Peninsula in Kusatsu.

Water lilies and Lotus Pavilion.

Lotus Pavilion indoor water garden

Water lilies.

Even outside Mizunomori, more lotus hug the lakeshore in summer.

Kusatsu Dream Windmill used to supply power to the Lotus Pavilion at Mizunomori. It is 95 meters tall up to the top of the blade tip. The diameter of the blades is 70 meters. Rated output was 1500 Kw. Will be dismantled soon due to old age.