Gokasho Omi Merchant Homes 五個荘 近江商人屋敷
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Gokasho is famous for the grand, old homes of wealthy Omi merchants. Three of them are clustered together for us to visit inside. They are the former residences of Tonomura Uhee (外村 宇兵衛), Tonomura Shigeru (外村 繁), and Nakae Jungoro (中江

Gokasho was home to many Omi merchants who plied up and down Japan during the Edo Period to sell and trade their wares. They became quite successful selling medicines, lacquerware, sake, etc.Wall of former home of Omi merchant Tonomura Shigeru (1902-1961) (外村 繁邸).

Former home of Omi merchant Tonomura Shigeru (外村 繁邸). MapTonomura Shigeru (外村 繁), Tonomura Uhee (外村 宇兵衛), and Nakae Jungoro (中江 準五郎)

Entrance to former home of Omi merchant Tonomura Shigeru (外村 繁邸). Gokasho is also a National Important Traditional Townscape Preservation District (重要伝統的建造物群保存地区).

Entrance to former home of Omi merchant Tonomura Shigeru.

Living room of former home of Omi merchant Tonomura Shigeru.

Woman's hairdressing room.

Room with Hina festival dolls and entrance to the Tonomura Shigeru Literature Museum. 雛祭りの雛人形

Hina festival dolls. 雛祭りの雛人形

Hina festival dolls. 雛祭りの雛人形

Tonomura Shigeru Literature Museum (Bungakukan). Shigeru had a passion for writing, so he entrusted the family business to his younger brother. 外村 繁文学館

Picture of Tonomura Shigeru in the Literature Museum (Bungakukan). 外村 繁文学館


Hina festival dolls. 雛祭りの雛人形

Hina festival dolls. 雛祭りの雛人形

Hina festival dolls. 雛祭りの雛人形

2nd floor balcony (Watch your head).

2nd floor balcony

View from 2nd floor balcony

2nd floor with more Hina dolls.

2nd floor room with Hina festival dolls. 雛祭りの雛人形

2nd floor room looking toward the balcony.

Hina festival dolls in alcove.

Hina festival dolls

2nd floor with Hina festival dolls

Hinamatsuri dolls

Kitchen area with dirt floor.

Kitchen area

Furo bath wirth wooden barrel (heated by firewood)

Changing room next to bath.

Path to next Omi merchant home.

Turn left there.

Former home of Omi merchant Tonomura Uhee (1777-1820) (外村 宇兵衛邸).

Entrance to former home of Omi merchant Tonomura Uhee.

Inside former home of Omi merchant Tonomura Uhee. 玄関

Inside former home of Omi merchant Tonomura Uhee.

Shopfront with shopkeeper's desk.

Shopkeeper's desk.

Living room

Bonsai plum and pine trees


Bonsai plum trees


Shopkeeper's record book.

Shopkeeper's record book.

Attic, mainly for storage.

Attic and ceiling

External view

External view



External view of house

Statue of Omi merchant peddler carrying his trademark "tenbin" pole.


Way to the third Omi merchant house.

Old mail box.

Former home of Omi merchant Nakae Jungoro (中江 準五郎邸).

Former home of Omi merchant Nakae Jungoro (中江 準五郎邸).

Entrance to home of Omi merchant Nakae Jungoro (中江 準五郎邸).

Entrance to home of Omi merchant Nakae Jungoro (中江 準五郎邸).

Inside the home of Omi merchant Nakae Jungoro (中江 準五郎邸).



Obata doll museum

Omi Obata Deko dolls


Stairs to 2nd floor.


Tokonoma alcove with scroll.


Tokonoma alcove and scroll

2nd floor room

View from 2nd floor

Garden and pond. This house has a nice garden.

Stone lantern in garden


Garden and former home of Omi merchant Nakae Jungoro (中江 準五郎邸).

Former home of Omi merchant Nakae Jungoro (中江 準五郎邸).

Namako wall