Home > TOKYO 東京都 > Chuo-ku 中央区

Ginza and Yurakucho 銀座・有楽町


This is the mother of all Ginza shopping areas in Japan. The biggest and most famous Ginza of all. Centering on the Ginza 4-chome intersection, the area is one of Tokyo's major shopping and entertainment districts. Major dept. stores, upscale shops, restaurants, galleries, and more. Ginza has been undergoing major changes in recent years with old dept. stores replaced by new buildings. Near Ginza Station. Yurakucho is adjacent with more stores and movie theaters.

203 files, last one added on Jul 21, 2023
Album viewed 159 times

Kabuki-za Theater & Higashi Ginza 歌舞伎座・東銀座


Adjacent to the Ginza area, Higashi Ginza is anchored by the Kabuki-za Theater, Japan's most renown kabuki theater.

104 files, last one added on Oct 06, 2018
Album viewed 166 times

Tsukiji Fish Market Auctions 築地市場


What I would call one of the major sightseeing attractions in the world, this world-famous fish market was an unbelievable place to behold. Giant tuna auctions, giant tuna carving, fish preparation, and the sale (and scale) of all kinds of fish in a huge and bustling market took place almost every morning. The best action was from 5:30 am to 8 am. Sadly, this old fish market closed on Oct. 6, 2018 since it moved to Toyosu. Also see my YouTube video here.

88 files, last one added on Apr 07, 2008
Album viewed 452 times

Tsukiji Hongwanji Hanamatsuri 築地本願寺 花まつり


Established in 1617, Tsukiji Hongwanji temple is the Tokyo headquarters of the Nishi Hongwanji Jodo Shinshu sect. The present temple, based on Indian architecture, was built in the 1930s. April 8 is observed as Buddha's birthday, called Hana Matsuri ("Flower Festival) in Japan.

62 files, last one added on Apr 10, 2006
Album viewed 1847 times

Nihonbashi Bridge 日本橋


Japan's most famous bridge is unfortunately one of the least outstanding, largely due to a huge expressway running right over it. It hardly receives any skylight. It used to be where all of Japan's major roads originated. Also see photos of Nihonbashi, a bustling area of dept. stores and company offices.

64 files, last one added on Mar 24, 2016
Album viewed 413 times

Rio Olympic and Paralympic Parade リオ五輪メダリストパレード


Victory parade for Japan's Rio Olympic and Paralympic medalists was held on Oct. 7, 2016 in Tokyo's Ginza and Nihonbashi areas. About 800,000 crowded the sidewalks along the 2.5 km route on Chuo-dori that goes through Ginza 4-chome. Some 50 Olympian and 37 Paralympian medalists waved to the crowd from four double-decker, open top buses and two flatbed trucks. The Olympians wore red uniforms while the Paralympians wore white. These photos were taken at Nihonbashi.

74 files, last one added on Jun 12, 2017
Album viewed 205 times

Hama-rikyu Gardens 浜離宮恩賜庭園


Waterfront garden built by the Tokugawa shoguns in the 17th century. During the Meiji Period, it became a Detached Palace for the Imperial family who gave the garden to the Tokyo in 1945. It used to have duck-hunting grounds. It was also the site of the Enryokan State Guesthouse where foreign dignitaries stayed such as former US president Ulysses Grant and Hawaii's King David Kalakaua. During New Year's, they also hold falconry demonstrations. Short walk from JR Shimbashi Station and Shiodome Station on the Oedo Subway Line and the Yurikamome line.

98 files, last one added on Sep 27, 2018
Album viewed 959 times

Teppozu Inari Shrine Kanchu Suiyoku 鉄砲洲稲荷神社 寒中水浴


Held on the second Sunday of Jan., in the middle of winter, this shrine invites people to take a freezing-cold bath while wearing only a loincloth (or swimsuit for women). Kanchu means "during the cold," and suiyoku means "water bathing." The shrine is a 7-min. walk from Hatchobori Station on the Hibiya subway line.

33 files, last one added on Jun 01, 2009
Album viewed 1550 times

8 albums on 1 page(s)