Most viewed - SHIGA 滋賀県 |
Hiko-nyan (Hikone Castle's official mascot) meets hula girls!108 views
Postcard of Commodore Perry and Ii Naosuke to mark the 50th anniversary of Yokohama Port's opening in 1909.108 viewsNaosuke's attackers overwhelmed his unprepared bodyguards within minutes. Wounded and defenseless Naosuke was further stabbed in his palanquin multiple times until he was dragged out by his topknot and beheaded by a Satsuma rogue samurai.
After the assassination, hard feelings continued between Hikone and Mito. But in 1968, the two cities put the past behind them and became friendship cities. Hikone gave white swans from Hikone Castle, and Mito gave plum blossom trees from the famous Kairakuen Garden.
The winner of the men's division is called Meijin and the winner of the women's division is called Queen. The popular manga/anime Chihayafuru has brought international attention to karuta.108 views
The line to see the hidden Buddha.108 views
From the museum, there is a nice bike path.107 views
Hyozu Taisha Shrine at night107 views
They come by the busloads. If possible, you should avoid visiting the Koto Sanzan Temple Trio and Eigenji during the weekend in fall. If possible, you should avoid visiting the Koto Sanzan Temple Trio and Eigenji during the weekend in fall. Stone marker.107 views
Hondo grounds107 views
Benten-do107 views
Tenmangu Shrine107 views
"Oh Japan" for the World Baseball Classic won by Japan and coached by Oh Sadaharu.107 views
Ceremony at the shrine107 views
The procession head for the Otabisho at 11:30 am. 渡御出発107 views
They exit shrine and head for the Otabisho.107 views
Mikoshi107 views
Kamiko receive many gifts.107 views神子
Sacred dance is performed.107 views
The floats also start to leave the shrine.107 views
Stage entertainment (Azuchi Castle ruins in background).107 views
Zeze Castle ruins 膳所城跡107 views
Lots of water drained out when the boat was turned over.107 views
Yakuimon Gate at the Arikawa machiya home. Emperor Meiji rested at the Arikawa home. A family still lives in this home. 有川家住宅 薬医門107 views
Lakeshore road in winter107 views
Hikiyama Museum107 views
二百年・三百年忌碑107 views
Itoh Chube'e Memorial House (Itoh Chube'e Ki'nenkan). Itoh Chube'e (1842-1903) was the founder of Itochu Corporation and Marubeni, two of Japan's largest trading companies, in 1858. MAP107 viewsThis house displays his former residence and some of his possessions. A short walk from Toyosato Station, the house is open to the public on Tue., Thu., and Sat. Free admission.
Butsudan Buddhist altar in a butsuma (Buddhist altar room).107 views
Keiunkan does not look very impressive from the outside, but there's much more than meets the eye.107 views
Chikubushima island and snowly Mt. Ibuki in the background.107 views
Mar. 4, 2007 Nakamura Naoko sings "Lake Biwa Rowing Song" at Canora Hall in Okaya, Nagano Pref.107 views
Hikone's exhibit in the Social Salon, featuring red samurai armor from the Ii clan.107 views
Storehouse for float107 views
Gate to the Back Mountain Path. Be sure to close the gate after entering. I don't know how it would prevent monkeys from climbing over the low gate. Between Sept. 23 and Nov. 3 during mushroom season, 500 yen admission is charged for the Front/Back pa107 views
View from the dip. There should be a better view on the other side too, but too many trees block the view.107 views
Camping lodge in Karyoku Koen Park. There are more trails within the park and other sights like cherry blossoms. To get back to Yasu Station, walk to Kibogaoka Bunka Koen Park and the bus stop is at the Kibogaoka Nishi Gate next to the parking lot.107 views
Hokoen Park also has a good-size grove of plum blossoms which bloom in March.107 views
Saba-tora Nana-chan is a cat with stripes from mackerel (saba). See the fish in her pouch. Promote Obama in Fukui Pref. さばトラななちゃん (福井 小浜市)107 views
Tanemaru looks like a seed sprouting two leaves while in a boat. Mascot for Yokohama Port's 150th anniversary of its opening in 2009. 横浜開港150周年記念事業「たねまる」107 views
The center showcase introduced the Lake Biwa Rowing Song.107 views
Michigan paddlewheel boat is based at Otsu Port. Daily cruises offered.107 views
After the sakaki branch ceremony, at 1:30 pm they held the Haiden Departure Ceremony at the Haiden where seven mikoshi were placed. 拝殿出し神事107 views
Carrying the mikoshi through Romon Gate at Nishi Hongu.107 views
神輿神幸107 views
The mikoshi return to land at Wakamiya Port.107 views
Shiga governor Kada Yukiko (wearing a light green jacket on the right) pulling a festival float at the Chawan Matsuri in Yogo. The man next to her was shouting, "Banzai!" 滋賀県知事 嘉田由紀子107 views
Sakamoto Station on the Keihan Ishiyama-Sakamoto Line. This station is closer to Sakamoto than the JR Hiezan-Sakamoto Station.107 views
The festival is also called Naginata Matsuri (festival) and Naginata-furi held in Moriyama, Shiga. 長刀振り107 views
This is the hill where the Minakuchi-Okayama Castle was originally built in 1585 by Nakamura Kazuuji 中村一氏, a vassal of Toyotomi Hideyoshi. It fell into ruin after the Battle of Sekigahara where the castle lord lost.107 views
About the Romon Gate in Japanese.107 views
Usually it rains or storms during cherry blossom season. We were lucky in April 2009.107 views
Yakko men carried some luggage and sometimes passed it on to other men. This is Suijo's main road.107 views
Naganoya, the house where Yamauchi Kazutoyo lived during childhood with his mother.107 views
2009-2010 season opening game and Kyoto Hannaryz debut game tip-off at 2 pm on Oct. 3, 2009 at Kyoto City Gymnasium in front of 1,888 spectators.107 views
An almost-full Kyoto City Gymnasium in Nishi-Kyogoku Sports Park near Nishi-Kyogoku Station on the Hankyu Line.107 views
Victory huddle107 views
Mama firefly from Maibara107 views
Asahinomori Elementary School in Hikone.107 views
Ayame girls rehearsing their festival call.107 views
The mikoshi head home from Hyozu Taisha. That's Mt. Mikami in the background.107 views
"Long ago, villagers in Ueno at the foot of Mt. Ibuki prayed for rain by doing the thunder dance by beating drums and bells, lighting torches, etc. After the rainfall and a good harvest in autumn, they danced to give thanks. This is what we are danci107 views
Smaller torches to be lit before the final, leaning torch.107 views
The shuttle bus goes almost halfway up Mt. Odani. We then got off the bus and walked as the tour guide led us. I went on this tour on my second visit to Odani Castle. Lot easier than the first time when I walked all the way from Kawake Station.107 views
Nakanomaru107 views
Nakanomaru as seen from Kyogoku-maru.107 views
Path to Sannomaru.107 views
Tokaido Road: Otsu107 views
Tapestry on the back of the Shimizu-cho float.107 views
Huge arch kite of hula girls and Awa Odori dancers.107 views
Omi Jingu is noted for competitive karuta card games. The Japanese national championship tournament of competitive karuta is held in January at Omi Jingu (since the mid-1950s). 107 views
Inside the Keihan Line train with Chihayafuru.107 views
Keihan Line at Ishiyama Station.107 views
Azuchi Castle Museum (Azuchi Jokaku Shiryokan)106 views
Azuchi Castle Museum (Azuchi Jokaku Shiryokan). Near Azuchi Station. 安土城郭資料館 MAP106 views
Diorama of Oura Port. MAP106 views
Black kite going fishing トビ106 views
納礼堂106 views
Steps to temple106 views
Entrance to Ameyama Cultural Sports Park, a low hill with various sports and cultural facilities and hiking trails.106 views
Shrine106 views
Ebisu is one of the seven gods of good fortune. MAP106 views
Tenmangu Shrine106 views
Float named Man'ensha. Built in 1860 (Man’en 1). 萬延社106 viewsConstructed in 1860 (Man’en 1). For the first 70 years since its construction, the wood used in this hikiyama was unfinished; but to commemorate the enthronement of Emperor Showa, in 1929 (Showa 4) a black lacquer finish as well as gold leaf and decorative metalwork was added.
Float named "Hakkei-kaku" featuring small sculptures of the Eight Views of Omi. Built in 1807. Metal ornamentation as well as painted wood carvings on the front and upper transom depicting the Eight Famous Views of Ōmi... 八景閣106 viewsConstructed circa 1807 (Bunka 4), from Shin-cho. Metal ornamentation as well as painted wood carvings on the front and upper transom depicting the Eight Famous Views of Ōmi create an elaborate adornment to the entryway of this splendid hikiyama.
The first mikoshi approaches.106 views
One of the three mikoshi on its way to the Otabisho.106 views
Enjoying a free ride home.106 views
Manohama is where they change boat crews. Half of the people ride on bicycles on shore, while the other half row on 3 boats.106 views
Torii on shore (Hiyoshi Taisha Shrine) near Sakamoto. 鳥居106 views
Road marker106 views
Inside Hikiyama Museum106 views
Small museum106 views
Entrance to the shrine.106 views
Room in Chojiya ryokan.106 views
"Lake Biwa Rowing Song photo exhibition at Yokaichi Public Library," (Letter to the Editor), May 26, 2007, Kyoto Shimbun.106 viewsWritten by Masahiro Beniya.
Oarlock on fixed-seat boat106 views
On certain weekends, this steam locomotive runs between Maibara, Nagahama, and Kinomoto Stations in northern Shiga. Very popular attraction among adults and kids alike.106 views
Chain railing is helpful.106 views
View from Mt. Mikami, Yasu. Ishibe is toward the left.106 views
Mt. Mikami in the distance.106 views
Ishiyama-dera Tahoto pagoda106 views
Meiji Period-style mail box. It's a real mail box so you can deposit your mail here.106 views
The street corner has a pocket park for an Echigawa-juku monument showing an ukiyoe print of the town. A stone marker also points the way to Takamiya-juku.106 views
A post town (called shukuba 宿場) was an official rest station for travelers on the Tokaido Road. Inns, teahouses, fresh horses, etc., could be found. This is Koka City Hall's Tsuchiyama Branch on Route 1. There's a lookout deck on the 6th fl.106 views
Cherry blossoms and three-story pagoda at night.106 views
Stone marker near Otabisho marking the location of the castle's Otemon Gate.106 views
Imazu Junior High School students106 views
This statue is a large replica of the actual Jizo statue worshipped in the temple. 地蔵大銅像106 views
Who's this baby wandering around Yonbancho shopping center?106 views
I thought this was another piece of toast walking around, and I think I was right. Name's Kawarakki to promote healthy meals for children, from Takahama, Aichi Pref. かわら食人 カワラッキー (愛知 高浜市)106 views
Left showcase106 views
Skiing on Mt. Ibuki at the 3rd station. How it looked in the good old days.106 views
Coach Robert Pierce comments in English about the game. He also speaks some Japanese.106 views
Fish disposal box for black bass and blue gill and other invasive species. If you catch one, don't throw it back into the lake. Dispose of it in this box or take it home.106 viewsBe sure to close the cover to keep cats out. If you catch a non-native fish like black bass and blue gill fish in the lake, they urge you to bring it in and throw it away in this bin. They don't want you to throw it back into the lake.
They passed through the Romon Gate.106 views
Three of the mikoshi were put on trucks.106 views
The mikoshi departed by boat at 3 pm. They were put on a barge pulled by a tugboat. The barge sailed off the coast of Karasaki Shrine where they held a ceremony.106 views
Map of Shirahige Shrine.106 views
Girls dressed as shrine maidens pose for a picture. They will join the afetrnoon procession and perform a sacred dance at the Otabisho.106 views
The festival got its start when the legendary Toyoki-iribiko-no-Mikoto crossed Lake Biwa from the west shore to Moriyama on a log raft to subjugate the eastern provinces. A local villager then offered him pickled carp caught in Lake Biwa as an offering.106 views
Yuya-machi float has a Little Grebe duck decoration. Little Grebe is Shiga's official bird.106 views
Sanno Torii lit up in autumn at night in Nov. 山王鳥居106 views
Nishi Hongu is also lit up at night during autumn.106 views
Kaizu-Osaki106 views
Welcome sign to Makino (as seen from Nishi-Azai).106 views
These ancient abode were pretty much a hole in the ground with a roof over it.106 views
Kenketo Odori Dance at Tagi Jinja Shrine in Tsuchiyama, Shiga Prefecture.106 views
My YouTube video of Hyozu Matsuri in 2010.106 views
The Michigan first sailed in April 1982. It is 59 meters long and 11.7 meters wide. With 700 horsepower, it can cruise up to 8.65 knots.106 views1982年4月2日進水。939.7総トン、全長59.0m、幅11.7m、出力700馬力、最高速力8.65ノット。
The next time the Aburahi Matsuri with yakko-furi procession will be held will be in 2021.106 views
They sing a song as they drag the mikoshi. It's a contsant stop-and-go process.106 views
The second mikoshi, called Hachioji, passes through. 八王子106 views
About the Honmaru grounds in Japanese.106 views
About the Nakanomaru bailey in Odani Castle.106 views
Namura Shrine's Nishi Honden hall, a National Treasure. It is dedicated to a god named Kuni-no-sazuchi-no-Mikoto (国狭槌命), the protector of grassy hills.106 views
Before this site at Nishikori in Otsu was unearthed, it was uncertain exactly where the Otsu Palace was located. In 1978, further archaeological evidence showed that this was indeed where the main palace building was. 近江大津宮106 views
The name of the boat moored at Chikubushima is "Benten."106 views
Lake Biwa Rowing Song official music video.106 views
Mainichi Shimbun article (April 17, 2017) about our Lake Biwa Rowing Song mini concert held in Imazu on April 16, 2017. 106 views
Chunichi Shimbun article (April 17, 2017) about our Lake Biwa Rowing Song mini concert held in Imazu on April 16, 2017. 106 viewsSee videos of this event here:
Hikone Castle and plum blossoms.106 views
Minamihama swimming beach. Don't swim beyond the buoys. 南浜105 views
Outdated photo: Red flame monument for Biwako Shuko no Uta song 琵琶湖周航の歌 歌碑105 views
Temple bell105 views
Nishinomaru105 views
Tea house105 views
Ishibe Town logo105 views
Shrine105 views
A faulty rudder runs them aground105 views
Body tossing105 views
A bug105 views
Closeup of the steps105 views
Mikoshi closeup105 views
The third mikoshi arrives.105 views
Rowing past the Ukimido Floating Temple in Katata. 堅田 浮御堂(近江八景)105 views
Lots of putty line the seams.105 views
Toward Omi Ohashi Bridge. 近江大橋105 views
Taking out the water.105 views
JR train tracks (Biwako/Tokaido Line)105 views
History and Folklore Museum105 views
Storehouse for hikiyama floats.105 views
Portrait of Toyotomi Hideyoshi in Nagahama Hikiyama Museum105 views
Base of giant Jizo statue covered with frogs which help people receive divine blessings from the Jizo. 身代わり蛙105 views
Public hall105 views
Ishida Jinja Shrine105 views
Hoof marks on sand.105 views
Built in 1935, a memorial for Itoh Chube'e in Kurenai Park. くれない園105 views
This is the grounds of the Keiunkan.105 views
Imazu Port and song monument in winter snow.105 views
Model of fixed-seat boat used during Oguchi Taro's time in 1917.105 viewsModel of the fixed seat boat that Taro Oguchi and crew used to row around Lake Biwa. Displayed at the song museum in Imazu. The boat is quite stable and thus suited for long rowing trips. However, it became obsolete in the 1960s as competitive rowing boats incorporated sliding seats.
In 1993, a boat craftsman built two of these and donated them to Imazu. They measure 13.7 meters long and 1.25 meter wide. Seats 6 crew. They are available for rent at Imazu.
Main stone of Verse 6 Monument 問題の「西国十番」が刻んでいない。105 viewsSaigoku pilgrimage, Chomeiji.
Dispel this world's impureness, very faraway.
Golden waves on which we weave, rowing all we can.
Tell us my friends your stories, with your fervent hearts.
Saigoku Juban, Chomeiji
Kegare no utsushiyo, tooku sarite
Kogane no nami ni, iza kogan
Katare wagatomo, atsuki kokoro
西国十番 長命寺
汚れの現世 遠く去りて
黄金の波に いざ漕がん
語れ我が友 熱き心
Plaque for entire lyrics, Verse 6 Song Monument, Chomeiji105 viewsJapanese lyrics of the entire song consisting of 6 verses.
Yokaichi Exhibition, May 9-27, 2007 at Yokaichi Public Library, HigashiOmi, Shiga. Photo exhibition poster.105 views
Daisan Koto Gakko book of songs105 views
Chikubushima and fixed-seat boat105 views
Taga Taisha Shrine torii near Taga Taisha-mae Station. MAP105 views
Shishimai lion dance105 views
Shiga Prefecture exhibited some plastic fish.105 views
Sculpture in a small park105 views
At the foot of Mt. Mikami is Tempo Gimin Monument dedicated to the farmers who were tortured to death after the 1842 Tempo Ikki (天保一揆) uprising against the government's unfair land taxation surveys..105 views
Bonkei for Tsuchiyama-juku. Complemented by a few other smaller bonkei showing a traveling procession.105 views
Center showcase105 views
The right showcase showed photos of our activities.105 views
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