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Summit of Mt. Mikami. Only a small clearing with a bench. It was a great day for hiking. It is quite a popular mountain for climbers. Even for families with little kids. Didn't see any monkeys. No bears.

New Chitose Airport, Hokkaido's main gateway, is the first place you see G8 Hokkaido Toyako Summit Welcome signs as we get off the plane.

New Chitose Airport, another Welcome sign as we head for the baggage claim area.

New Chitose Airport, another Welcome sign as we head for the baggage claim area.

Inside New Chitose Airport's Central Plaza, more G8 Hokkaido Toyako Summit Welcome signs.

Inside New Chitose Airport's Central Plaza, more G8 Hokkaido Toyako Summit Welcome signs.

New Chitose Airport's Central Plaza

New Chitose Airport's beautiful Central Plaza.

New Chitose Airport's Central Plaza

New Chitose Airport's Central Plaza

Inside New Chitose Airport's Central Plaza, G8 Hokkaido Toyako Summit countdown.

Inside New Chitose Airport at the check-in terminal, more G8 Hokkaido Toyako Summit Welcome signs.

The airport has a huge shopping area full of gift shops.

G8 Hokkaido Toyako Summit merchandise. They all seem to be unofficial goods. They don't bear the official logo.

On the boarding bridge to the plane. Notice the G8 Hokkaido Toyako Summit Welcome signs.

Ibukiyama Driveway toll road going to Mt. Ibuki summit. 伊吹山ドライブウェイ

Mt. Ibuki's summit is easily accessible via this Ibukiyama Driveway toll road (3,000 yen for passenger cars) from Sekigahara, Gifu Pref. This road opened in 1965 and is open to traffic during April to Nov.

Mt. Ibuki summit parking lot. The local bus also come up here. And loads of tour buses during flower seasons. Many tourists make the easy climb to the summit from the parking lot.

Entrance/exit to the Central Hiking Trail. 中央遊歩道

West Hiking Trail is most popular for hiking to the summit. 西遊歩道

Entrance to West Hiking Trail.

Rocky trail.

High heels not recommended.

The most common flower during summer it seems. シモツケソウ

Looking back on West Hiking Trail and parking lot

The most scenic part of Ibukiyama is the summit. It's a popular time to visit with many alpine flowers in bloom.

Tiger Lily コオニユリ

Easy 40-min. hike, but if's summer, it can get hot and sweaty.

Filipendula multijuga. We saw this everywhere back in 2006. However, in 2023, these flowers are mostly gone due to wild deer eating the plants. シモツケソウ


View of the 3rd station (san-gome) below. The 3rd station is accessible by gondola from the foot of Ibukiyama at Ueno.


Path to summit

Path to summit



Steep hiking trail going to the 3rd station (san-gome).

Summit buildings


Ligularia stenocephala メタカラコウ

High-altitude butterfly on rock

Dianthus superbus var. longicalycinus カワラナデシコ

Surrounding view with typical summer haze.

Summit is right there.


The summit

Ibukiyama Temple and souvenir shops on right.

Statue of Prince Yamato-takeru. Mythical prince associated with Mt. Ibuki. 日本武尊像

Statue of Yamato Takeru-no-Mikoto 日本武尊像

The summit area. The gray tower building is the old Ibukiyama Weather Station which was in use until 2001. It is to be demolished.

Summit area

Mt. Ibuki summit area with pretty patches of summer flowers.

View from summit (Ibuki Driveway)

Ibukiyama Driveway carved on the side of the Ibuki mountain range.

3rd station (halfway up the mountain) as seen from the summit. 三合目

Ibuki town (Ueno) below

3rd station (gondola station and hotel can be seen) 三合目

Steep slope



East Hiking Trail. Takes 60 min. to the parking lot.

But the scenery is great atop Mt. Ibuki in summer. 東遊歩道

Torii and gravesite along the East Hiking Trail

Tarui and Ogaki in Gifu.

The trail is rocky.

Looking back at the summit.

Parking lot in sight.

Late afternoon and the parking lot is almost empty.

Ibukiyama Driveway

Ibukiyama Driveway

Snow on Mt. Ibuki at the 3rd station, the main area for skiing (when there is snow).

In summer, lilies bloom at sunset on Mt. Ibuki's 3rd station.

View of 3rd station

The Usuzan Ropeway terminal has gift shops selling a variety of G8 Hokkaido Toyako Summit merchandise. T-shirts, bags, candy, etc.

This box of cookies show all the G8 Summit leaders bathing in a hot spring and scrubbing each other's backs. They also say, "Ii yu!" (great hot spring) which is pronounced "EU" as a pun.

G8 Hokkaido Toyako Summit merchandise: Pins

G8 Hokkaido Toyako Summit merchandise: T-shirts

New Chitose Airport, Hokkaido's main gateway, is the first place you see G8 Hokkaido Toyako Summit welcome signs. As we get off (or get on) the plane.

New Chitose Airport, another welcome sign as we head for the baggage claim area.

New Chitose Airport, another welcome sign as we head for the baggage claim area.

Inside New Chitose Airport at the check-in terminal, more G8 Hokkaido Toyako Summit welcome signs.

Inside New Chitose Airport's Central Plaza, more G8 Hokkaido Toyako Summit welcome signs.

Inside New Chitose Airport's Central Plaza, more G8 Hokkaido Toyako Summit welcome signs.

Inside New Chitose Airport's Central Plaza, G8 Hokkaido Toyako Summit countdown.

The train to Lake Toya is also decorated with G8 Hokkaido Toyako Summit welcome sign.

Welcome sign in front of JR Toya Station, the closest train station to Lake Toya.

Ticket office inside JR Toya Station. Notice the G8 Summit flags.

Ticket office inside JR Toya Station with G8 Hokkaido Toyako Summit flags.

Glass door with G8 Hokkaido Toyako Summit welcome sticker.

Next to Toya Station is the Toyako Town Hall, also with a G8 Hokkaido Toyako Summit welcome sign.

Toyako Town Hall, front side, festooned with G8 Summit flags.

Toyako Onsen Spa tourist information office with a G8 Hokkaido Toyako Summit welcome sign.

On the shore of Lake Toya is binoculars through which you can see the Summit venue, the Windsor Hotel.

The Windsor Hotel, G8 Hokkaido Toyako Summit venue is on a hill overlooking the lake. Below is a lake cruise boat.

The lake cruise boat with G8 Hokkaido Toyako Summit welcome sign.

By early May, police already started to invade the Lake Toya area.

G8 Hokkaido Toyako Summit welcome sign on the edge of Toyako Onsen hot spring.

Toyako Visitors Center and Volcano Science Museum in Toyako Onsen Spa.

G8 Hokkaido Toyako Summit countdown at Toyako Visitors Center and Volcano Science Museum in Toyako Onsen Spa.

Official logo of the G8 Hokkaido Toyako Summit on the Toyako Culture Center.

Toyako Culture Center with G8 Summit flags.

G8 Hokkaido Toyako Summit welcome sign on entrance of Toya Mizunoeki, a shopping and rest house in northern Lake Toya.

G8 Hokkaido Toyako Summit welcome sign on window of Toya Mizunoeki in northern Lake Toya.

Personal computers for public use inside Toya Mizunoeki in northern Lake Toya. Notice the G8 Summit flags.

G8 Hokkaido Toyako Summit welcome banner at a gas station in northern Lake Toya.

G8 Hokkaido Toyako Summit welcome sign at Mt. Showa-Shinzan.

G8 Hokkaido Toyako Summit welcome sign at Usuzan Ropeway terminal.

G8 Hokkaido Toyako Summit welcome sign at Usuzan Ropeway terminal.

The Usuzan Ropeway terminal has gift shops selling a variety of G8 Hokkaido Toyako Summit merchandise. T-shirts, bags, candy, etc.

This box of cookies show all the G8 Summit leaders bathing in a hot spring and scrubbing each other's backs. They also say, "Ii yu!" (great hot spring) which is pronounced "EU" as a pun.

Sobetsu Town Hall with a G8 Hokkaido Toyako Summit welcome sign. Sobetsu fronts the east shore of Lake Toya.

G8 Hokkaido Toyako Summit welcome sign in Sobetsu.

G8 Hokkaido Toyako Summit welcome poster.

G8 Hokkaido Toyako Summit welcome poster.

G8 Hokkaido Toyako Summit welcome poster.

Environmental poster.

G8 Hokkaido Toyako Summit merchandise: Key chains for all the G8 Summit countries.

G8 Hokkaido Toyako Summit merchandise: Pins

G8 Hokkaido Toyako Summit merchandise: T-shirts

G8 Hokkaido Toyako Summit merchandise: Eco-bag

G8 Hokkaido Toyako Summit merchandise: Manju

G8 Hokkaido Toyako Summit merchandise: Confections sold at the train station kiosk

G8 Hokkaido Toyako Summit confection

G8 Hokkaido Toyako Summit potato confection.

G8 Hokkaido Toyako Summit countdown in front of Sapporo Station.

G8 Hokkaido Toyako Summit countdown at the former Hokkaido Government Building.

G8 Hokkaido Toyako Summit sign inside the former Hokkaido Government Building.

G8 Hokkaido Toyako Summit Welcome banner on a building in Sapporo.

G8 Hokkaido Toyako Summit welcome sticker on a bus window in Sapporo.

G8 Hokkaido Toyako Summit welcome sticker on a bus window in Sapporo.

Sobetsu Town Hall with a G8 Hokkaido Toyako Summit welcome sign.

The Takatora Summit was held in Kora-cho's Zaiji area on May 9, 2010. It was Kora's second time to host the summit. The first time was in 2000. Zaiji Hachiman Shrine was one of the festival venues.

Torii to Zaiji Hachiman Shrine, the birthplace of Todo Takatora (1556-1630). Since 1998, the Takatora Summit has been held once every two years in one of four places (Kora, Tsu and Iga in Mie, and Imabari, Ehime) having a close connection with Takatora.

The beautiful wisteria was in full bloom. The name "Todo" includes the kanji character for "fuji" or wisteria. 藤

A giant taiko drum was also on display at the shrine.

Zaiji was the former Todo village (藤堂村). Lord Todo Takatora was a famous daimyo who was expert at building castles. He had a hand in building castles in Tsu, Kameyama, Imabari, Edo, and more.

Zaiji Hachiman Shrine also offered a rest place where tea and sweets were served.

The shrine's Haiden Hall was used as an entertainment stage during the Takatora Summit in Kora.

The road from Hachiman Shrine to Takatora Park. Another giant taiko drum.

The road near Takatora Park was lined with souvenir booths and food stalls.

This booth was from Iga, Mie Prefecture.

Iga's booth.

Todo Takatora sake.

This was good, from Kora.

Sightseeing pamphlets from all the Takatora-related cities who came.

More booths.

Sculptures made of styrofoam.

Day's schedule.

Takatora Park was decorated with these banners.

Banner reads "Birthtplace of Lord Todo Takatora."

Statue of Takatora in a pond at Takatora Park.

Takatora Park was the main venue for the Takatora Summit. The first program started at 11 am and they introduced official mascots from Takatora-related cities.

The MC was Kayme, radio personality from from FM Shiga (e-radio). She introduced the names of all the mascots on stage. ケイミー

About 10 mascot characters were introduced on stage.

Mayor of Tsu, Mie Prefecture. Tsu Castle was built by Takatora.

Mayor of Iga, Mie.

Mayor's representative from Imabari, Ehime.

Each mascot was introduced in detail by its handler.

Non-chan is a horse from Imabari. Imabari Castle was built by Takatora. のんちゃん

Ninta and Shinobu ninja mascots from Iga. Iga-Ueno Castle was renovated by Takatora who constructed high castle walls. にん太・しのぶ

From Kameyama, Kyoto. Kameyama Castle was built by Akechi Mitsuhide and Takatora contributed to later construction. Only castle walls and moats remain. Now occupied by a religious group.

By coincidence, I've been to all these castles related to Takatora.

Hikone's Hiko-nyan also made it to the summit. Hikone is Kora's the neighboring city.

Shrine maiden mascot from Taga, Shiga.

Toramaru from Tsu, Mie. 藤堂とらまる

Tora-nyan, Kora's official mascot.



Shiromochi-kun from Tsu. シロモチくん

Toramaru from Tsu, Mie.

Samurai procession on stage.

They wear home-made armor.

Takatora Summit in Kora, Shiga

Mayors and other dignitaries look forward to the next Takatora Summit at Iga-Ueno Castle. Each city take turns hosting the summit held every two years. The last time Kora hosted it was in 2000.

Mayors vow to meet at the next Takatora Summit.

Cute warrior

They drummed on the giant taiko.

At 2 pm, the "Summit" was held on stage.

Jogakuji temple of the Jodo Shinshu Sect held a terakoya session. A short walk from Takatora Park. 浄覚寺

Terakoya session at Jogakuji temple. There was a storyteller, kami-shibai, and traditional games for kids.

Before schools were established in Japan, the temples served as educational institutions for the children. 浄覚寺 寺子屋の再現

Afterward, they played traditional games.

At 3 pm, the keynote speaker gave a talk about Takatora.

The keynote speaker was Abe Ryutaro, a novelist who wrote a novel about Takatora. Some people hope that his novel will be turned into a TV drama series. 安部龍太郎

A ninja show performed by an Iga-ryu ninja trouope called Kurondo from Iga, Mie. 黒党

Ninja show

Capping the day's events was the Takatora Taiko troupe from Tsu. 高虎太鼓

The festivities and summit ended at 6:30 pm.

Dig this van with a ninja on top.

Ticket office inside JR Toya Station. Notice the G8 Summit flags.

Ticket office inside JR Toya Station with G8 Hokkaido Toyako Summit flags.

Next to Toya Station is the Toyako Town Hall, also with a G8 Hokkaido Toyako Summit welcome sign.

Toyako Town Hall, front side, festooned with G8 Summit flags.