Nagahama Bonbaiten Bonsai Plum Blossom Trees 長浜盆梅展

Every Jan.-Mar., the Keiunkan (慶雲館), a former guesthouse originally built in 1887 to accommodate Emperor Meiji when he visited Nagahama, holds the Nagahama Bonbaiten exhibition (Nagahama Bonsai Plum Blossom Trees).

For current information on the Bonbaiten exhibition, see the official website (English).The Keiunkan is near Nagahama Station's west exit, toward the south end. It is across from Nagahama Railroad Square. This is the gate to Keiunkan guesthouse.

This is the grounds of the Keiunkan.

Giant stone lantern

Keiunkan does not look very impressive from the outside, but there's much more than meets the eye.

Keiunkan admission to the Nagahama Bonsai Plum Blossom Tree exhibition.

Entrance hall

Plum tree bonsai greets visitors. 長浜盆梅展

Every Jan.-Mar., the Keiunkan holds the Nagahama Bonbaiten exhibition of plum tree bonsai.

Nagahama Bonbaiten exhibition of plum tree bonsai at Keiunkan. 長浜盆梅展

Plum tree blossom bonsai with red plum blossoms

Plum tree blossom bonsai with white plum blossoms.

Plum blossom bonsai when it's too early.

不老(ふろう) 八重紅色


Garden of Keiunkan


Potted ume bonsai trees.

2nd floor of Keiunkan

A newer annex to the Keiunkan. This is the exit.

After you exit, there's some bonsai plum trees for sale.

Sumo wrestler monument dedicated to Yokozuna Hitachiyama, a great Yokozuna during the Meiji Period. Built by Asami Matazo who built the Keiunkan. 力士碑 横綱常陸山

Basho Haiku Monument 「蓬莱にきかはや伊勢の初たより はせを」芭蕉の句碑