Sawara Traditional Townscape 佐原の町並み

Sawara is a National Important Traditional Townscape Preservation District (重要伝統的建造物群保存地区) along the Ono River near JR Sawara Station (Narita Line).

Map of the traditional townscape along the Ono River. I started from the Kaiun Bridge on the right of this map.

Leaping carp or maybe sea bream.

Ono River has these little statues of the Gods of Good Fortune. Sawara, Katori, Chiba.


A few buildings were in need of repair.

Sake merchant

Sake merchant

Sawara, Katori, Chiba

Traditional townscape in Sawara, Katori, Chiba Prefecture.

Sawara has some old signs like this one for Fanta soda.

Traditional boat rides on Ono River operated by cute grandmas.

Shuttle boats (¥1,300 roundtrip) and tour boats (¥500) are busy on Ono River during the spring and autumn festival time.

Traditional boat rides on Ono River.

Traditional boat rides on Ono River.

About the Shojo Soy Sauce Shop established in 1800.

Uedaya Hardware Store

About Uedaya Hardware Store founded by a merchant from Gamo, Shiga Prefecture. Still in business.

Tobacco and Tea Shop

About the Tobacco and Tea Shop

Traditional townscape in Sawara, Katori, Chiba Prefecture.

Oil merchant

About the oil merchant

Modern phone booth

Jaja Bridge

Boat dock at the other end of the river.

About Kinsei Japanese textile shop

Jaja Bridge (Toyohashi Bridge) in Sawara, Chiba.

About Jaja Bridge (Toyohashi Bridge) in Sawara, Chiba.

Jaja Bridge (Toyohashi Bridge) in Sawara, Chiba has a waterfall.

Boat dock for boat rides on Ono River.

Manhole in Sawara, Katori, Chiba. River fish and irises.

About Sawara's traditional townscape.

Ino Tadataka's former residence in Sawara, Chiba is open to the public.

Open hours of Ino Tadataka's former residence.

Ino Tadataka was a geographical surveyor who was the first to use modern scientific surveying methods to produce very accurate maps of Japan known as Inoh maps.

Layout of Ino Tadataka's former residence.

Monument for Ino Tadataka at his former residence.

Statue of Ino Tadataka at his former residence.

Inside the entrance foyer of Ino Tadataka's former residence. Japanese-style home.

Ino Tadataka's former residence is quite spacious.

Ino Tadataka's former residence

Ino Tadataka's former residence

Ino Tadataka's former residence

Ino Tadataka's former residence

Ino Tadataka's former residence

Ino Tadataka's former residence

Ino Tadataka's former residence

Ino Tadataka's former residence

Ino Tadataka Memorial Hall, a local museum. Photography was not allowed inside.