Yokohama Hawai'i Festival 2008 ヨコハマ・ハワイイ・フェスティバル

The 7th Yokohama Hawai'i Festival was held during July 25-27, 2008 at the huge Osambashi Pier next to Yamashita Park. Way to Osambashi. 大さん橋

Entrance to Osambashi Pier in Yokohama. This is a terminal building and dock for large passenger ships. When there are no ships, the facility can be rented for various events.

The multi-level Osambashi Pier building is huge and goes beyond what your eye can see. The air-conditioning was quite high, making all of us sweat.

First you see this small Welcome stage where keiki hula and other performances were held.

The festival featured a few celebrities from Hawaii such as Amy Hanaiali'i who was signing autographs on her new CD.

Food stalls serving Hawaiian-like food.

Even shave ice.

This is what it looks like outside the Osambashi Pier. In the distance is Yamashita Park. It was here where King David Kalakaua arrived in Japan during his world tour in 1881. This fact serves as the basis for the existence of this festival.

Another stage was in the C.I.Q Plaza. Standing room only.

C.I.Q Plaza stage where numerous hula troupes, etc., performed all day long.

Bruce Shimabukuro (Jake's brother) gives a ukulele workshop.

This huge Osambashi Hall was filled with stalls selling mainly Hawaiian clothing.

At one end was the Hall Stage where more people entertained.

Hall Stage

Clothing stall

Clothing shops and the outdoor stage can be seen in the distance.

Hula dancers wait perform on the outdoor stage.

On the roof of the Osambashi Pier, is an outdoor plaza and yet another stage. Yokohama Hawai'i Festival

The outdoor stage was the best and roomiest facility for sitting down and watching the entertainment.

More hula troupes perform. The festival also had other venues at Nippon Maru, Landmark Plaza, and Queen's Square.