Ishiyama-dera Temple 石山寺
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Ishiyama-dera temple is a 10-min. walk from Ishiyama-dera Station on the Keihan Ishisaka Line. You can transfer to the Keihan Line at JR Ishiyama Station on the Tokaido Line.

During early or mid-April, you can see cherry blossoms while walking from the station to the Ishiyama-dera along the Seta River.

Cherry blossoms along Seta River in Otsu, Lake Biwa's only outflowing river.

Cherry trees also greet you at the temple.

Ishiyama-dera stone marker during sakura season in April.

Impressive San-mon Gate, also called Todaimon. The defacto front gate of the temple. 東大門 MAP

San-mon Gate Deva King (right side).

San-mon Gate Deva King (left side)

Path to Ishiyama-dera in autumn.

As of spring 2023, Ishiyama-dera's head priest is a woman, the 53rd zasu abbot. Washio Ryuge (鷲尾龍華) is Ishiyama-dera's first woman abbot taking over from her father who preceded her. She's in her mid-30s..

After passing through Todamon Gate, there is the Sando path leading to the temple complex. See fall leaves in Nov. 参道

The Sando path also has cherry trees in April. Late April brings azaleas.


Go up the stone steps and pass by a Shinto shrine.

This is what you see at the top of the stone steps. Founded in 749, Ishiyama-dera, belonging to the Shingon Buddhist Sect, is the 13th Temple of the Saigoku Pilgrimage.

Straight ahead is the huge slab of black stone which gave the temple its name. Ishiyama-dera means "Stone Mountain Temple." The pagoda above is the Tahoto, a National Treasure and positioned perfectly for our line of sight from below.

Ishiyama-dera's stone is wollastonite (硅灰石) which looks gray or white when dry and black when wet. Tahoto pagoda can also be seen.

Ishiyama-dera's stone is a National Natural Monument.

Cherry blossoms and Tahoto pagoda at Ishiyama-dera.

The stone in fall.

Closeup of the stone, designated as a Natural Monument.

One-yen coins are stuffed into the cracks of the stone.

Sign explaining the Natural Monument.

Ishiyama-dera is a temple complex of numerous buildings. This is the Kannon-do Hall.

The Kannon-do Hall stores many Kannon statues.

Next to the Kannon-do is the Bishamon-do Hall.

Bishamon-do Hall was built in 1773. 毘沙門堂

Inside Bishamon-do Hall is Bishamon.

Omido Hall 御影堂

Mieido Hall dedicated to Kobo Daishi who founded Shingon Sect, to Roben 良弁僧正, the founder of Ishiyama-dera, and to Shunnyu Naiku 淳祐内供, the third head priest of Ishiyama-dera. 御影堂

Plum blossoms.

Rennyo-do Hall, dedicated to Rennyo, prominent priest of the Jodo Shinshu Sect. 蓮如堂

Inside Rennyo-do Hall.

Steps going to the Hondo Hall, Ishiyama-dera's main worship hall and a National Treasure.

Ishiyama-dera's Hondo Hall, a National Treasure. 本堂

Inside Ishiyama-dera's Hondo Hall 本堂

Inside Ishiyama-dera's Hondo Hall 本堂

Ishiyama-dera's Hondo Hall altar. 本堂

From March 18 to Dec. 4, 2016, Ishiyama-dera held a special display of their hidden Buddha. Shown only once every 33 years.

Hondo main temple hall

Inside Hondo

Admission was charged to see the hidden Buddha.

This smaller Buddha was used to obstruct the view of the hidden Buddha from non-paying visitors.

The line to see the hidden Buddha.

It didn't that long to see the hidden Buddha.

Ishiyama-dera's hidden, giant Buddha (Kannon) is visible through the altar.

Normally, you cannot see this Buddha through the altar since the Buddha is housed behind closed doors. We were allowed to walk behind the altar to see the giant Buddha in its shelter with the doors open. A large, impressive Buddha. No photos were allowed.

The large, hidden Buddha also had smaller Kannon statues inside. These were also displayed.

Ishiyama-dera's Hondo Hall 本堂

View of fall leaves below Hondo Hall 本堂

Ema votive tablets on which you write your prayers and wishes.

The Hondo also has this Room of Genji.

Room of Genji

Room of Genji (源氏の間)

At Ishiyama-dera, inside Room of Genji is a lifesize doll of Lady Murasaki Shikibu who in the 11th century wrote Tale of Genji, one of Japan's most famous novels.

After staying in the temple for seven days, this is the room where Lady Murasaki Shikibu got inspired by an autumn moonlit night and started writing Genji Monogatari.

Ema prayer tablet

Omikuji paper fortunes


At Ishiyama-dera, inside Room of Genji is a lifesize doll of Lady Murasaki Shikibu who wrote Tale of Genji, one of Japan's most famous novels.

Lady Murasaki supposedly wrote the novel in this room at Ishiyama-dera in Otsu.

Lady Murasaki on a postcard.

View as we head toward the Tahoto pagoda.

In fall

In winter. The Omido Hall is on the left, and Bishamon-do on the right.

Torii at a Buddhist temple

Bell tower 鐘楼

During Ishiyama-dera's display of the hidden Kannon Buddha, they also allowed the public to ring the temple bell for a small fee.

During Ishiyama-dera's display of the hidden Kannon Buddha, they also allowed the public to ring the temple bell for a small fee.

Ishiyama-dera's bell

Moss on roof

Sutra Repository 経蔵

If you're a woman and sit on the rock under the Sutra Repository, you"re supposed be able to give birth safely. So don't be surprised to see a woman sitting under the building.

Sit on the rock under the Sutra Repository,

Finally we see Ishiyama-dera's beautiful Tahoto pagoda, a National Treasure in Otsu.

Tahoto's ground floor has a dome-shaped ceiling and a square pent roof, a round second floor and square roof.

Tahoto pagoda, Ishiyama-dera

A Tahoto pagoda has two stories, a square roof, and a round building. 多宝塔

The Tahoto was built in 1194 upon the patronage of Minamoto Yoritomo. It is Japan's oldest Tahoto and one of the three most famous ones.

About the Tahoto

Tahoto in autumn

Inside the Tahoto is this altar for Dainichi Nyorai. 大日如来

Inside the Tahoto is this altar for Dainichi Nyorai. 大日如来

Inside the Tahoto is this altar for Dainichi Nyorai. 大日如来

Dainichi Nyorai. 大日如来

About the altar inside the Tahoto.

Memorials next to Tahoto dedicated to Minamoto Yoritomo and Kamegayatsu. 源頼朝 亀ケ谷禅尼

About the memorials.

Ishiyama-dera is also noted for autumn leaves.

Ishiyama-dera's Moon-viewing Pavilion and cherry blossoms. Not open to the public. 月見亭

Hall to Moon-viewing Pavilion.

View of Seta River in spring from Ishiyama-dera. Ahead is Lake Biwa.

The bridges are for the highway and shinkansen trains.

In fall.

Hiroshige's woodblock print of Ishiyama-dera from his "Famous Views of the 60 Provinces" series. Looking toward Lake Biwa.

Hiroshige's woodblock print of Autumn Moon at Ishiyama from his "Omi Hakkei" (Eight Views of Omi) series. The temple on stilts and Moon-viewing Pavilion is visible.

Hiroshige's woodblock print of Autumn Moon at Ishiyama from his "Omi Hakkei" (Eight Views of Omi) series. The Moon-viewing Pavilion is visible.

Lots of autumn colors in Ishiyama-dera.




Ishiyama-dera also has a grove of plum blossoms which bloom in Feb.

Plum tree

Plum blossoms

Ishiyama-dera's weeping cherries and azalea bushes to bloom in late April.

Early-blooming cherry blossoms.

Statue of Lady Murasaki Shikibu.

豊浄院 temple museum

Inside 豊浄院

Needs a new paint job.

Statue of Lady Murasaki writing Tale of Genji (Genji Monogatari).

Statue of Lady Murasaki writing Tale of Genji (Genji Monogatari) at Ishiyama-dera buddhist temple

Statue of Lady Murasaki writing Tale of Genji (Genji Monogatari).

Statue of Lady Murasaki writing Tale of Genji (Genji Monogatari).

Statue of Lady Murasaki writing Tale of Genji (Genji Monogatari).

Japanese garden

Ishiyama-dera's Japanese garden in spring.

Ishiyama-dera Hondo Hall, a National Treasure.

In fall

Ishiyama-dera in fall

Fall leaves on a rock formation.

Map of Ishiyama-dera

Keihan Ishiyama Station

Keihan Line at Ishiyama Station.

Inside Keihan Line train.

Keihan Line at Ishiyama Station.

Keihan Ishiyama-dera Station

Keihan Ishiyama-dera Station

TripAdvisor certificate displayed at Ishiyama-dera.

Keihan Ishiyama Station with a sign showing Lady Murasaki Shikubu saying "Welcome to Otsu, Lake Capital."

Keihan Ishiyama-dera Station with Genji Millenium banners. Tale of Genji Millennium was held in 2008 in Otsu. 源氏物語千年紀

Path to Ishiyama-dera temple with Genji Millenium banners. In Otsu, the Genji Millenium event will be held from March 18 to Dec. 14, 2008.

Genji Millenium sign with "Genji Yume" (Genji Dream) kanji logo on the right. Otsu is not the only place celebrating the Genji Millenium. Kyoto and other places are also celebrating.

Otsu Hikaru-kun, official mascot of Otsu. He is based on the Hikaru Genji character in the Genji Monogatari (Tale of Genji) novel. おおつ光ルくん

Official mascot greets visitors on the main path to Ishiyama-dera temple.

The main path to Ishiyama-dera temple has been converted to the Genji Yume Kairo (Genji Dream Path). Along the way are a few buildings open to the public. 源氏夢回廊

Entrance to Cafe de Genji, an open-air garden where you can sit and have tea.

Cafe de Genji, which is actually a Japanese-style garden called Kofuen 公風園.

Walk further down the Yume Kairo path and see the gate to another garden called 拾翠園.

The garden has a building called 淳浄館 which is an exhibition space. Buildings like this are usually not open to the public.

Inside 淳浄館. A collection of hanging scrolls written with waka love poems from Genji Monogatari. Free admission.

There's also the 金龍社 shrine in a pond.

Continuing on the Yume Kairo path.

Soon you see the gate to Daikokudendo temple on the right.

Daikokudendo temple dedicated to Daikokuten. 大黒天堂

Inside Daikokudo temple.

Further along the Yume Kairo path.

Walls with excerpts from the novel.

Entrance gate to Genji Millennium exhibitions. Admission 1000 yen to see both the exhibitions and temple.

First you enter this building called 世尊院.

Entrance to 世尊院.

Inside 世尊院. When I was there, beautiful embroidery showing scenes from the Tale of Genji was displayed.

Closeup of embroidery.

Another room in the 世尊院 showed more embroidery, mainly of flowers. The exhibition here will change a few times during 2008.

There's also a fine view of a rock garden outside.

Next, we go out and head for the 明王院.

Souvenir shop and rest space.

Next is the 明王院, another temple building.

Entering 明王院.

Inside 明王院 is an exhibition space showing works by award-winning novelist Tanabe Seiko 田辺聖子 who wrote a new version of Genji Monogatari.

View of 明王院.



Gate to 密蔵院.

Steps to 密蔵院.

密蔵院 is another building with an exhibition.


Inside 密蔵院 was a robot exhibition. Only two robots on display, no resemblance to anything.



Near the entrance to the Hondo main hall is this Genji Monogatari folding screen replica.

Genji Monogatari folding screen replica.

Ishiyama-dera temple Hondo main hall 本堂

Ishiyama-dera temple Hondo main hall 本堂

Room of Murasaki Shikibu and Genji. 紫式部源氏の間

Inside the room of Murasaki Shikibu is a mannequin of Lady Murasaki Shikibu writing Tale of Genji. 紫式部源氏の間

Mannequin of Lady Murasaki Shikibu writing Tale of Genji. 紫式部源氏の間