Taga Taisha Lantern Festival 多賀大社万燈祭
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Held during Aug. 3-5 at Taga Taisha Shrine, the Mantosai or 10,000-Lantern Festival is a night festival when numerous lanterns are lit within the shrine grounds. The lanterns are for the repose of ancestral spirits.

Taga Taisha Shrine torii near Taga Taisha-mae Station. MAP

Road to Taga Taisha Shrine

Homes along the way are decorated.

Near the shrine entrance are the usual food stalls.

Welcome to Taga

Taga Taisha Shrine torii

Mantosai sign under the torii

Arched bridge leading to shrine gate.

Kids carrying mikoshi portable shrine. They went to the train station.

Taga Taisha's lanterns come in five sizes. Each one represents a donation. The donar's name is on the lantern. The biggest lantern requires a donation of 20,000 yen.

Each lantern is lit with a small lightbulb. (No candles)

Festival schedule, starting at 5:30 pm and ending after 9 pm.

Approaching the main shrine hall.

These lanterns above are the smallest ones, requiring a donation of only 1,500 yen. They are the most numerous.

Main shrine hall

These lanterns hanging in the main shrine hall must be the most expensive ones.

The shrine also recently got its roof rethatched. The roof looked spanking new.

As evening approaches, the crowd increases.

Torii with lanterns lit

Gate to shrine

Direct path to Taga Taisha Shrine hall

Lanterns at night

Entertainment on stage

Entertainment with a dragon dance

Dragon dance

Shishimai lion dance

Lantern-lit path to Taga Taisha