Battle of Anegawa Site 姉川古戦場

Anegawa River was the site of a major battle with Oda Nobunaga and Tokugawa Ieyasu defeating Azai Nagamasa and the Asakura clan on Aug. 9 1570. The area was left with so many dead that the river ran red.Local place names such as Chibara (Blood Field) stuck. Looking toward Nomura-bashi Bridge where the Anegawa battle monument stands.

Nomura-bashi Bridge crosses Anegawa River. This is where Oda Nobunaga battled the Azai clan.

Battle monument

Anegawa River Battle Memorial

Anegawa River Battle Memorial, rear view with the battle date engraved.

Front view of Anegawa River Battle Memorial where Oda Nobunaga and Tokugawa Ieyasu defeated Azai Nagamasa and the Asakura clan on Aug. 9 1570.

Anegawa River Battle Memorial, dedicated to the war dead

The battle site is next to Nomura village. Nobunaga and the Azai called it the Battle at Nomura.

Next to the battle memorial is another monument.

Battle map showing the position of the opposing armies.

Sign indicating the site of the Battle at Anegawa River.

This is where the Azai and Oda Nobunaga armies clashed.

Signs indicating the Battle of Anegawa River. This is next to the battle memorial.

Mt. Ibuki was witness to the battle.

Anegawa River, where thousands lay dead after the battle.

Anegawa River is a shallow river.

Anegawa River ran red with the blood of fallen warriors in Aug. 1570.

Anegawa River

Anegawa River

Anegawa River

Anegawa River

On the other side of this Anegawa River were Oda Nobunaga's forces.

Nomura-bashi Bridge in the distance.

Anegawa River, looking upstream

Beyond the river on the other side were the Azai clan.

Fallen tree on riverbed

Position of the Azai clan

Position of the Azai clan

Mt. Ibuki

Position of Oda Nobunaga's forces, the river is on the left.

Nomura-bashi bus stop. Get off here to visit the Anegawa River battle site.