Ishida Mitsunari Birthplace 石田三成公出生地

Lord Ishida Mitsunari was born in 1560 in Ishida village in Nagahama, Shiga Pref. You can see the site of his birthplace by bus from Nagahama Station. Get off at the Ishida bus stop. MAPHis birthplace and former residence have monuments dedicated to this fallen but revered leader of the Western Forces which lost to Tokugawa Ieyasu at the Battle of Sekigahara in 1600. He was a protégé and main samurai retainer of Toyotomi Hideyoshi.

Little stone marker and shrine next to the bus stop.

Ishida Mitsunari is most famous for the Battle of Sekigahara in 1600 when he unsuccessfully led his Western Forces against Tokugawa Ieyasu's Eastern Forces

Steel sculpture depicting Ishida Mitsunari giving tea to Toyotomi Hideyoshi. Ishida-cho, Nagahama, Shiga Pref.

Steel sculpture depicting Ishida Mitsunari giving tea to Toyotomi Hideyoshi. The road on the left goes to the site of his former residence.

Monument and bus stop

Road on left goes to Ishida's former residence.

Road to Kan'onji temple and marker of Ishida Mitsunari's estate

Marker of Ishida Mitsunari's estate

Site of Ishida Mitsunari's former residence. 石田三成屋敷跡

The property is now occupied by the Ishida Kaikan public hall and monuments. 石田三成屋敷跡 石田会館

Monument marking Ishida Mitsunari's former residence.

Monument marking Ishida Mitsunari's former residence.

Public hall

Inside public hall

Monuments on the property

Stone monument for Ishida Mitsunari Birthplace 石田三成公出生地

Statue of Ishida Mitsunari at his former residence in Nagahama.

Statue of Ishida Mitsunari

Poem about Ishida Mitsunari

Scenery behind the public hall.

Behind the public hall.

Poem about the Battle of Sekigahara.

Guide map to places in the area related to Ishida Mitsunari.

Nearby Hachiman Shrine.

Hachiman Shrine torii

Hachiman Shrine is next to the Ishida Mitsunari memorial.

Ishida Jinja Shrine

Ishida Jinja Shrine

Ishida Shrine

Entrance to Ishida Shrine 石田神社 供養塔

Ishida Mitsunari Memorial

Ishida Mitsunari Memorial 石田三成供養塔

Ishida Mitsunari Memorial


Cycling road sign near bus stop.