Sumiyoshi Shrine Fire Festival 住吉神社火まつり
Sumiyoshi Shrine is on the west side of JR Moriyama Station. This side has an area called "Fuke" written with the same kanji for "uwaki" (cheating on your partner).I wonder what married couples think of living in this area...
Sumiyoshi Shrine torii. Notice the torches inside the shrine. 住吉神社 MAPEvery Jan., both this shrine and Katsube Shrine light giant torches for the festival's climax. Unfortunately, you cannot see the festival at both shrines since they are held around the same time. Sumiyoshi Shrine's fire festival is smaller with fewer (six) torches which represent the head of the slain dragon.
Sumiyoshi Shrine and the six giant torches.
Sumiyoshi Shrine and the six giant torches.
Side view of torches.
Head of torch. Different shape from Katsube Shrine's torches.
Torch stem
Straw-covered torches.
Torches are bunched together.
Back of the torch heads.
Sumiyoshi Shrine
Men in loincloths beat the wall in a building, then came out with small torches.
First man lights the giant torches. This was around 7:45 pm.
More men light the torches. The straw ignited almosty immediateely and no kerosene was used.
The torches burn within seconds.
Sumiyoshi Shrine Fire Festival
The fire at its peak was very hot to the skin. Sumiyoshi Shrine Fire Festival, Moriyama, Shiga in late Jan.
The torches burnt out within a few minutes.
Before the torches burnt out completely, the men hauled away each torch one by one.
Sumiyoshi Shrine Fire Festival, Moriyama, Shiga Pref. on the second Sat. of January.
Taming the firre.
Great way to warm up.
The festival ended quickly. A lot faster than the Katsube Shrine's Fire Festival held at the same time.
Fire hydrant and hose just in case.
Fire truck and burnt torch.