Azuchi Nobunaga Festival あづち信長まつり
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Azuchi Nobunaga Matsuri used to be held on the first Sunday in June, but it's now held in Nov. (since 2020). The festival is dedicated to Oda Nobunaga who built Azuchi Castle. Parking available at nearby Bungei no Sato.

The Azuchi Nobunaga Festival's main venue was here, next to Azuchi Castle (hill on right). MAP

Stage entertainment (Azuchi Castle ruins in background).

Demonstration of matchlock guns, Azuchi Nobunaga Festival in Azuchi, Omi-Hachiman.

They came from Hikone. 鉄砲隊演武(彦根鉄砲隊)

Demonstration of matchlock guns, Azuchi Nobunaga Festival.Even these people had to obtain police permission to bear and fire these feudal-era guns.

Boat ride along the moat of Azuchi Castle.


These boat rides are offered only during this annual festival.

Welcome aboard!

Boat ride

Ahoy there!

"This place changed a lot since my childhood..."

At the foot of Azuchi, the boat ride was very popular and cheap.

End of the ride.

Shingu Shrine where they had more festival entertainment. 新宮神社

Shrine building

Chin-don-ya street entertainers

Chin-don-ya street entertainers

Kami shibai storyteller 紙芝居

Kami shibai storyteller telling a story about Nobunaga. 紙芝居

Musha Gyoretsu warrior procession 武者行列The procession started with Ashigaru foot soldiers. 足軽

The most important historical persons in Azuchi's feudal history were represented.

Shibata Katsuie

Akechi Mitsuhide (assassinated Nobunaga)

Takigawa Kazumasu 滝川一益

Niwa Nagahide 丹羽長秀

Nohime, wife of Oda Nobunaga. 農姫

Nohime, wife of Oda Nobunaga. 農姫

Oda Nobunaga at Azuchi Nobunaga Matsuri. 織田信長

Oda Nobunaga 織田信長

Ishida Mitsunari 石田三成

Ladies in waiting (hey there, look up!)下を向いたらあかん。

Nene, Toyotomi Hideyoshi's wife

Nene, Toyotomi Hideyoshi's wife

Toyotomi Hideyoshi 豊臣秀吉

Ii Naomasa 井伊 直政


Tokugawa Ieyasu 徳川家康

Hello horse! He was just starting at me. Tokugawa Ieyasu

Nobunaga speaks.

Street performer in front of the steps to Azuchi Castle ruins.