Tokyo vs. Kyoto Univ. Boat Race 東大・京大対校レガッタ
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PR poster designed by Tetsuo OshiroPoster for the race.

Karahashi Bridge as the starting point for alumni races

Kyoto Univ. in dark blue T-shirts

Finish line 300 meters later

Tokyo Univ. (Todai) crew return to land after a race

Univ. of Tokyo alumni crew in light blue T-shirts

Kyoto Univ. alumni crew in dark blue T-shirts

Kyoto Univ. alumni crew at start line

On Karahashi Bridge

Race starts for Kyoto Univ. alumni

Kyoto Univ. alumni

Kyoto Univ. starts to veer off course

Kyoto Univ. is unable to correct their misdirection

A faulty rudder runs them aground

4-man crew alumni boat race

8-man crew alumni in their 20s and 30s at starting line

Kyodai alumni in their 20s and 30s

Kyodai alumni in their 20s and 30s

One of the main events, the 4-man boat race between Todai and Kyodai on a 3200-meter course.

Todai's 4-man crew in the lead

Kyodai's 4-man crew try to keep up

Todai's 4-man crew rowing

Kyodai's 4-man crew rowing

Kyodai's 4-man crew rowing with dark-blue blades

Todai won this one.

Main race: 8-man crew for Todai and Kyodai coming round the bend on the 3200-meter course

Kyodai is clearly in the lead

Kyoto Univ. rowing to victory

Univ. of Tokyo rowing

Kyoto University's winning rowing crew

Carrying the boat back

View of Seta River race course, Karahashi Bridge on far left. Tokyo vs. Kyoto Univ. Regatta

Awards ceremony


Alumni race starting at Seta no Karahashi Bridge


Body tossing

Celebrate by jumping in the water

Singing "Lake Biwa Rowing Song" (Biwako Shuko no Uta)

Singing "Lake Biwa Rowing Song" (Biwako Shuko no Uta)

Singing "Lake Biwa Rowing Song" (Biwako Shuko no Uta)

View of Seta River race course from Karahashi Bridge

Truck to carry the boats

Todai and Kyodai coming round the bend

Kyoto Univ. goes on to win the main race of the day in 10 min. 11 sec., over 20 sec. ahead of Todai.