Other Omi-Hachiman Sights
Lakeshore road and Okinoshima island
Cycling on lakeshore road. There is a scenic cycling path all around Lake Biwa. Takes 2-3 days to cycle around the lake.
Hachiman Primary School 近江八幡市立八幡小学校
Hachiman Primary School 近江八幡市立八幡小学校
Omi-Hachiman Station
Bicycle rental station next to Omi-Hachiman Station. You can rent a bicycle until 11 pm so you can stay in town late to see night festivals.Best way to tour the city.
Omi-Hachiman Station
Mizugahama lakeside coffee shop 水ケ浜
Miyagahama is a quiet, spacious beach to enjoy Lake Biwa.
Miyagahama beach
Azuchi has a cultural complex called Bungei no Sato. It includes a concert hall called Bungei Seminario, the venue of the Yoshibue Concert. If you missed the shuttle bus, you'll have to take a taxi from Azuchi Station. 文芸セミナリヨ
Yoshibue is a small flute made from reeds grown in Lake Nishinoko, one of Lake Biwa's attached lake. I attended the 4th Yoshibue Concert on April 4, 2009 which was Yoshibue Day.
Flower arrangement using reeds.
Yoshibue reed flute, made from reeds growing in Lake Biwa (Lake Nishinoko).
Inside the Bungei Seminario in Azuchi, Shiga. This hall is noted for a large pipe organ. The yoshibue concert started at noon and ended at about 4 pm. Free admission.
The Japan Yoshibue Association held a yoshibue (flute made of reeds growing in Lake Biwa) concert on April 4, 2009 which was Yoshibue Day. Various groups playing the reed flute gathered to perform a free concert. This married pair called Hot Line. ほっ
Hot Line often appears at various events. He plays the guitar while she plays the yoshibue. 「よし笛の日」定期演奏会
Part of the stage decoration were these towering bundles of reeds from Lake Biwa.
Special halftime entertainment provided by a Uyghur dish dancer by a Chinese dancer. She is an graduate student attending Hyogo University. ジャミラ ウライム
The concert was held by the Japan Yoshibue Association (Nihon Yoshibue Kyokai 日本よし笛協会) formed in 2006.
Yoshibue Junior Ensemble consisting of kids playing the reed flute. Eighteen yoshibue groups performed. Most of them welcome new members. I saw groups from Omi-Hachiman, Moriyama, Konan, Otsu, Yasu, and Kyoto.
Playing the yoshibue reed flute from Lake Biwa.
This is Mr. Kikui, the inventor of the yoshibue.
Group from Kyoto called Kawasemi, named after the kingfisher bird.
A duo called Lake Reed.
Kikui-san 菊井 了
Sign says "Yoshibue Day" which is April 4. "Yoshi" means reed, and both yo and shi can also be translated as the number 4.
The final number was Biwako Shuko no Uta (Lake Biwa Rowing Song).