
Miyanoura Port is Yakushima island's main port for ferries and cruise ships. This dock is where cruise ships usually dock.

The dock connects to the main road, so tour buses can come right up to the cruise ship.

Cruise ship dock at Miyanoura Port, Yakushima, Kagoshima, Japan.

Yakushima's Miyanoura Port has nice mountain views when it's not foggy/rainy.

Miyanoura Port has nice mountain views when it's not foggy/rainy.

About 70% of Yakushima is made of granite. The island has many mountains higher than 1,000 meters. It's Japan's wettest spot where it rains the most.

Miyanoura Port has nice mountain views when it's not foggy/rainy.

Miyanoura Port's cruise ship dock.

Welcome sign at Miyanoura Port's cruise ship dock.

Welcome banners at Miyanoura Port's cruise ship dock, Yakushima.

Fond farewell to our cruise ship leaving Miyanoura Port, Yakushima.