Karasaki 唐崎
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Karasaki Pine Tree (One of the Eight Views of Omi or Omi Hakkei) as seen from Lake Biwa. 唐崎の松(近江八景)

Hiroshige's woodblock print of Night Rain in Karasaki from his "Omi Hakkei" (Eight Views of Omi) series.

Hiroshige's woodblock print of Night Rain in Karasaki from his "Omi Hakkei" (Eight Views of Omi) series.

The famous Karasaki pine tree as seen from Lake Biwa.

The famous Karasaki pine tree as seen from Lake Biwa.

Karasaki Shrine torii. It is a branch shrine of Hiyoshi Taisha. 唐崎神社 MAP

Karasaki Shrine has numerous pine trees, including the famous century-old pine tree.

Omi Hakkei (Eight Views of Omi) marker at Karasaki. Omi was the old name for Shiga. A woodblock print artist depicted the Eight Views of Omi. One of them was titled, "Night Rain at Karasaki" showing the big pine in the rain at night.

Pine tree and Lake Biwa.

Karasaki Pine Tree was still healthy and deep green in 2004.

Karasaki Pine Tree is the third generation tree since the original one was planted 1,400 years ago. Current pine tree was planted in 1887.

Sadly, as of 2023, this Karasaki Pine Tree has largely wilted due to wind and rain over the years. The branches have suffered cumulative damage including hollowing out of the trunk.

Mt. Mikami across Lake Biwa from Karasaki.

Omi Hakkei (Eight Views of Omi) marker

Mt. Mikami + Pine Tree at Karasaki.

Karasaki Shrine