Home > KANAGAWA 神奈川県 > Sagamihara 相模原市

Sagami Giant Kite Festival 相模の大凧まつり


Held annually on May 4 and 5 along the Sagami River from 10 am to 4 pm. They fly the giant kite a few times each day depending on the wind. For 2019, the giant kite celebrated the new Reiwa Era by having the kanji characters for Reiwa on the giant kite. Photos were taken on May 5, 2019 and May 5, 2005. Nearest train station is Sobudaishita Station on the JR Sagami Line (20-min. walk to the festival site). They have shuttle buses between the train station and festival site. Also see my old video at YouTube.

96 files, last one added on Jul 01, 2019
Album viewed 323 times

Sagami River Koi-nobori 泳げ鯉のぼり相模川


From late April to early May, five long strings of giant carp streamers swim in the air high above the Sagami River. Also see the video at YouTube.

15 files, last one added on May 06, 2005
Album viewed 307 times

2 albums on 1 page(s)