Home > SAITAMA 埼玉県 > Kasukabe 春日部市

Showa-machi Giant Kite Festival 庄和町大凧あげ祭り


Giant Kite Festival held on May 3, 2005. The sunny weather and wind conditions were perfect for giant kite flying. Showa-machi has merged with Kasukabe. Also see the video at YouTube.

50 files, last one added on May 04, 2005
Album viewed 497 times

Showa-machi Giant Kite Museum 庄和町大凧会館


Pictures of the Giant Kite Museum near the river bank where the Giant Kite Festival is held in early May.

7 files, last one added on May 04, 2005
Album viewed 266 times

2 albums on 1 page(s)