Home > CHIBA 千葉県 > Narita 成田市

Narita-san Setsubun Bean-Throwing Festival 成田山節分会・特別追儺豆まき式


Shinshoji temple (Narita-san), Japan's most famous temple for Setsubun Festival was jam-packed on Sunday, Feb. 3, 2013. Most people came to see the celebrities throwing the beans for mamemaki. They included sumo wrestlers Yokozuna Hakuho, Ozeki Kisenosato, Baruto, and Okinoumi. Also Haruka Ayase, Ayame Goriki, Kotaro Koizumi and other stars of the current NHK Taiga Drama, "Yae no Sakura." Also see my video at YouTube.
The first time I saw this was on Feb. 3, 2001. Celebrities then included Yokozuna Musashimaru and actresses Riho Makise.

114 files, last one added on Feb 06, 2013
Album viewed 734 times

Narita-san Temple 成田山


Narita-san Shinshoji Temple is Chiba Prefecture's most famous temple. Belonging to the Shingon Buddhist Sect, it holds many of Narita's major festivals such as Setsubun. Four buildings are also Important Cultural Properties. It also has a large Japanese garden, including cherry blossoms. A short walk from JR and Keisei Narita Stations.

63 files, last one added on Apr 18, 2014
Album viewed 465 times

Narita Taiko Festival 成田太鼓まつり


The biggest taiko drum festival in the Kanto region is held annually in April. Various taiko drum troupes perform for two full days on various outdoor stages in Narita, including the main stage in front of the Narita-san temple. Most of these pictures were taken on April 9, 2005.

44 files, last one added on May 02, 2005
Album viewed 334 times

Narita Gion Festival 成田祇園まつり


Held in July, this is a festival of ornate floats pulled on the streets of Narita and to Narita-san temple. These pictures were taken in 2002.

31 files, last one added on May 02, 2005
Album viewed 363 times

Other Sights


Other pictures of Narita city including the Museum of Aeronautical Sciences near Narita International Airport.

12 files, last one added on May 02, 2005
Album viewed 305 times


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