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Takao Baigo Plum Blossoms 高尾梅郷


Takao Baigo is in the area of the famous Mt. Takao. It's an area with several plum blossom groves mainly along a road called Kyu-Koshu Kaido (旧甲州街道) near JR Takao Station and Keio Line Takaosanguchi Station. Plum blossoms here bloom in March.

171 files, last one added on Apr 02, 2022
Album viewed 21 times

Takao-san Dai-hiwatari Festival 高尾山 大火渡り祭


Yakuoin temple on Mt. Takao holds its biggest festival on the second Sunday of March. The fire-walking festival at the foot of Mt. Takao features a dramatic bon fire followed by priests and numerous people walking over the embers (cooled). Also see the video at YouTube.

43 files, last one added on Mar 16, 2005
Album viewed 398 times

Hachioji Matsuri Festival 八王子まつり


Hachioji's biggest event of the year is the Hachioji Matsuri held annually during the first weekend (Fri.-Sun.) of August near JR Hachioji Station. Featuring ornate floats, music, masked men dancing, taiko drumming, and portable shrine processions. Also held at night with the floats lit up. Also see my video at YouTube.

76 files, last one added on Jun 06, 2010
Album viewed 673 times


3 albums on 1 page(s)