Gujo-Hachiman Castle is on a small mountain named Mt. Hachiman, and takes about 15 minutes to climb up. It's a fairly easy climb. The castle has a commanding view of the city.
156 files, last one added on Dec 14, 2021 Album viewed 165 times
Another major autumn attraction in Gujo-Hachiman is Jion-zenji Temple's Tessoen Garden (荎草園). Jion-zenji is a Rinzai Zen Buddhist temple (Myoshinji School). Admission is ¥500. Walking distance from Gujo-Hachiman Castle.
46 files, last one added on Dec 14, 2021 Album viewed 42 times
The smaller river in town is also scenic with a historic spring, traditional townscapes, and temples. This neighborhood is in the Kitamachi or northern part of Gujo-Hachiman. It's part of the castle town at the foot of the castle mountain. The Kitamachi area of Gujo-Hachiman is also a National Important Traditional Townscape Preservation District (重要伝統的建造物群保存地区).
39 files, last one added on Dec 14, 2021 Album viewed 43 times