Home > TOTTORI 鳥取県 > Kurayoshi 倉吉市

Shirakabe Storehouses 白壁土蔵群


Kurayoshi's Shirakabe White-Wall Storehouses or warehouses are in a nationally-designated Important Traditional Townscape Preservation District (重要伝統的建造物群保存地区) named Utsubuki-Tamagawa (打吹玉川). This used to be a castle town until 1615. It was a commercial district up to the 1920s. About 100 traditional buildings with white walls (kura storehouses) and red roof tiles remain. The Tottori earthquake in Oct. 2016 damaged a few white walls. A short bus ride from JR Kurayoshi Station.

82 files, last one added on Oct 03, 2018
Album viewed 129 times

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Photos of Kurayoshi Station.

24 files, last one added on Oct 03, 2018
Album viewed 85 times

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