Home > KYOTO 京都府 > Wazuka 和束町

Ishitera Tea Fields 石寺の茶畑


Wazuka (pop. 4,226 as of Feb. 2016) is a small town in southern Kyoto with about 301 tea farmers. Blessed with rolling hills and clear streams, Wazuka produces about 40 percent of Kyoto's Uji tea production. Wazuka is most suited for tea cultivation because there is a large temperature difference between night and day. Fog thereby forms over the tea plants to shade them from the strong sunlight. Tea plants also grow best in well-drained soil, hence the tea plants on sloping land. The highest quality tea is produced. One of Wazuka's most scenic tea fields is at an area called Ishitera. Steep hills covered with tea bushes.

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