Home > YAMAGUCHI 山口県 > Yanai 柳井市

Shirakabe White Wall Townscape 白壁の町並み


Central Yanai near JR Yanai Station is noted for a beautiful street of homes and shops having traditional white walls (shirakabe). The area is officially preserved as a National Important Traditional Townscape Preservation District (重要伝統的建造物群保存地区).

101 files, last one added on Jan 18, 2013
Album viewed 277 times

Muroyano-sono Machiya Museum むろやの園


Muroyano-sono is a long house (Machiya) museum, formerly the estate of an oil merchant. It is adjacent to Yanai's townscape of white-wall buildings. Probably built in 1702, Muroyano-sono consists of several buildings clustered together. They include the main building (omoya), main storehouse (hongura), and rice storehouse (komegura). Open 9 am to 5 pm and closed on Wed. and during the year end and New Year's period. Admission is a few hundred yen.

136 files, last one added on Jan 18, 2013
Album viewed 239 times

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