Home > HOKKAIDO 北海道 > Otaru 小樽市

Otaru Canal 小樽運河


Otaru's most famous sight is this canal. Hard to say what's so special about it, but it's often used as a backdrop in movies and TV dramas. Walkable from Otaru Station.

43 files, last one added on May 22, 2008
Album viewed 517 times

Central Otaru 色内通り・境町通り


Otaru is a living architectural museum. There are numerous old and distinguished buildings which have been preserved. The city has a building code requiring all buildings to be designed to fit in the overall architectural scheme. If you like 19th century and early 20th century architecture, glassware, and/or music boxes, you will love Otaru. The historic buildings are concentrated along the Ironai-dori and Sakai-machi-dori road. A short walk from the Otaru Canal.

39 files, last one added on May 22, 2008
Album viewed 465 times

Former Nippon Yusen Kaisha Otaru Branch 旧日本郵船株式会社小樽支店


Two historical buildings in Otaru are Important Cultural Properties, and this is one of them. Nippon Yusen, or NYK Line, was and is a major shipping company. This building was their Otaru Branch office, elegant enough to be a State Guesthouse.

22 files, last one added on May 22, 2008
Album viewed 323 times

Mt. Akaiwa 赤岩


A low, craggy mountain 371 meters high, Mt. Akaiwa faces the ocean and has steep but brief sides for climbing. Almost like rock climbing. The views are beautiful. Near Shukutsu.

9 files, last one added on May 22, 2008
Album viewed 303 times

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