Home > TOKYO 東京都 > Musashi-Murayama 武蔵村山市

Murayama Dedara Matsuri 村山デエダラまつり


The Dedara Matsuri is a two-day festival held in late Oct. on the former site of the Nissan Factory that closed in 2001. The Dedara festival is named after Dedara-botchi (also called Daidara-botchi 大多羅法師) who was a legendary, giant man whose head was above the clouds. He's famous for creating lakes and wells with his footprints and creating and carrying mountains. In Musashi-Murayama, the giant Dedara-botchi was carrying Mt. Jodo (浄土山) strapped to his back with vines. One of his footprints created a local well (still there). It's a local festival started in 2006, so it's not a traditional matsuri (i.e. not held by a shrine or temple). But it's the city's largest festival.

103 files, last one added on Jan 04, 2017
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