Home > TOKYO 東京都 > Mizuho 瑞穂町

Mizuho Hina Matsuri at Koshinkan 瑞穂のつるし飾り


Mizuho, a small town in western Tokyo, holds its annual Hina Matsuri Doll Festival called Mizuho no Tsurushi Kazari, or Hanging Decorations of Mizuho from mid-February to March 3. The venue is an old Japanese house called Koshinkan (耕心館), originally built in the late Edo Period by a rich farmer. Later it was occupied by a shoyu maker (soy sauce) and then a silk grower. It's now owned and used by Mizuho as an event space.

61 files, last one added on Mar 04, 2013
Album viewed 241 times

Sayama Ike Park 狭山池公園


Near Hakonegasaki Station, Sayama Ike Park is a small park with a pond.

25 files, last one added on Mar 04, 2013
Album viewed 136 times

2 albums on 1 page(s)