Home > TOKYO 東京都 > Komae 狛江市

Senryuji Temple 泉竜寺


Komae's most prominent temple belongs to the Soto School of the Zen Sect near Komae Station. Affiliated with Eiheiji temple in Fukui and Sojiji temple. Official Web site.

22 files, last one added on Dec 17, 2007
Album viewed 227 times

Tamagawa River 多摩川


Komae fronts the Tama River along the border with neighboring Kawasaki in Kanagawa Prefecture. In spring, the cherry blossoms bloom along the riverside.

12 files, last one added on Dec 17, 2007
Album viewed 257 times

Other Komae Sights


Also in Komae: Muikara Minka-en むいから民家園, Kabuto-zuka Tumulus 兜塚古墳, Izumi Jinja Shrine 伊豆美神社, and JR Komae Station.

39 files, last one added on Dec 17, 2007
Album viewed 188 times


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