Shofukuji temple's Jizo-do Hall (地蔵堂) is one of only two buildings in Tokyo designated as a National Treasure. Built in 1407, the Jizo-do Hall is a rare and excellent example of Kamakura-Period architecture. The Zen temple belongs to the Rinzai Sect. About a 15-min. walk from Higashi-Murayama Station on the Seibu Shinjuku Line. Address: 東京都東村山市野口町4-6-1
63 files, last one added on Jun 04, 2012 Album viewed 292 times
A large park noted for irises blooming in June. It boasts 170 varieties of irises and about 100,000 flowers. About a 20-min. walk from Higashi-Murayama Station on the Seibu Shinjuku Line. Near Shofukuji temple.
10 files, last one added on Jun 04, 2012 Album viewed 246 times