Home > TOKYO 東京都 > Akiruno あきる野市

Akikawa Gorge 秋川渓谷


Gorge (Akikawa Keikoku) near Musashi-Itsukaichi Station is part of the Chichibu-Tama-Kai National Park and one of Tokyo's Best 100 Landscapes.

11 files, last one added on Feb 20, 2007
Album viewed 410 times

Masuko Cherry Blossoms (Yasube'e Zakura) 増戸の桜(安兵衛桜)


Masuko cherry blossoms are three Yasube'e cherry trees in front of JR Musashi-Masuko Station on the JR Itsukaichi Line. They were planted in 1925 by local resident and landscape gardener Sakamoto Yasube'e who used his own money to plant cherry blossoms at all the train stations along the Itsukaichi Line to celebrate the train line's opening. He used his own money.
Sadly, the cherry trees in front of JR Musashi-Masuko Station are slated to be cut down because they have been infested with longhorn beetles and can fall over on the train station. They bloomed for the last time in March 2023 when these pictures were taken.

27 files, last one added on Mar 29, 2023
Album viewed 11 times

Other Sights


Other sights in Akiruno, Tokyo.

7 files, last one added on Feb 20, 2007
Album viewed 298 times


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