One of Japan's most pivotal battles took place here on Oct. 21, 1600 (Sept. 15 of Keicho 5) between Tokugawa Ieyasu's Eastern Forces and Toyotomi Hideyoshi loyalist Ishida Mitsunari's Western Forces. Ieyasu's victory in the Battle of Sekigahara sealed Japan's historical fate for the next 250 years. The former battlefield is dotted with monuments indicating the positions of various warlords during the battle.
119 files, last one added on Apr 07, 2008 Album viewed 1654 times
On Oct. 19, 2008, the town of Sekigahara held a special two-day festival to commemorate the Battle of Sekigahara. These photos were taken on the second day when a procession and mock battle were staged. Matchlock gun battalions added to the colorful drama. Also see my YouTube video here.
172 files, last one added on Jan 14, 2009 Album viewed 906 times
This is an outdoor park with larger-than-life, painted concrete sculptures depicting the Battle of Sekigahara between Tokugawa Ieyasu and Ishida Mitsunari. The battlefield is not geographically recreated. Admission charged.
25 files, last one added on Jan 06, 2007 Album viewed 513 times
Small but pleasant and popular cavern especially in summer when it is cool inside the 500-meter cavern discovered here in 1968. Various stalactites, rock formations, and clear spring water with rainbow trout are highlights. Small admission charged.
16 files, last one added on Jan 07, 2007 Album viewed 291 times
Imasu-juku was the fifty-ninth of the sixty-nine stations or shukuba post towns of the Nakasendo Road. It follows Sekigahara-juku and comes before Kashiwabara-juku in Shiga Pref. Today, it has very few remnants of its Nakasendo past. It is between Sekigahara and Kashiwabara Stations on the JR Tokaido Line.
26 files, last one added on Apr 23, 2011, 7 linked files, 33 files total Album viewed 298 times