Home > FUKUI 福井県 > Tsuruga 敦賀市

Kehi Jingu Shrine on New Year's Day 氣比神宮


Established in 702 and nicknamed "Kei-san," Kehi Jingu is a major shrine in the Hokuriku Region. The main torii gate is one of Japan's three most famous wooden toriis. Kehi Jingu Shrine is a 20-min. walk from JR Tsuruga Station or a short bus ride. I visited on New Year's Day 2016 when it was a warm period with no snow.

42 files, last one added on Mar 22, 2016
Album viewed 244 times

Toro Nagashi & Fireworks とうろう流しと花火


Held during the Bon season on Aug. 16, toro nagashi is candle-lit paper lanterns floated on the ocean as a Buddhist offering to the spirits of the deceased. Tsuruga holds its mass toro nagashi (6,000 lanterns) on its famous Kehi no Matsubara beach at 6:30 pm, and then shoots off a grand fireworks display. Photos taken on Aug. 16, 2006. Also see the video at YouTube.

32 files, last one added on Jun 17, 2020
Album viewed 530 times

Tsuruga Nuclear Power Pavilion Museum 日本原子力発電敦賀原子力館


Out in the boondocks of Tsuruga is the Tsuruga Nuclear Power Plant. Near the plant is their public relations facility and museum called the Tsuruga Nuclear Power Pavilion or Tsuruga PR Pavilion. A 40-min. bus ride from JR Tsuruga Station.

42 files, last one added on Jun 17, 2017
Album viewed 198 times

Other Sights


Other sights in Tsuruga.

4 files, last one added on Mar 22, 2016
Album viewed 378 times

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