We love Shiga banners
I’ve created “We love (heart) Shiga” banners (horizontal and square) for anyone to download and use. Feel free to use them on your Web site, blog, Facebook, etc. You can opt to link the banner to any Web site about Shiga. (It doesn’t have to be shiga-ken.com.) Or just tack it on your home page for decoration or self-expression. I also provide large sizes for printing on A4- or A3-size paper. Make a posters, T-shirt iron-on transfers, or bumper stickers. Free for non-commercial use. Let’s spread the word that not just you love Shiga, but also your boy/girlfriend, wife/husband, parents, family, relatives, kids, friends, students, etc. The kanji characters (left to right) read “Shi ga.”
12 files, last one added on Jul 04, 2013 Album viewed 366 times