Home > HIROSHIMA 広島県 > Fukuyama 福山市

Fukuyama Castle 福山城


Built in 1622 by Lord Mizuno Katsunari. This is one castle you can see from the bullet train. The castle tower was rebuilt in 1966. A turret and a gate are Important Cultural Assets.

8 files, last one added on Jan 24, 2006
Album viewed 315 times

Tomonoura 鞆の浦


Scenic Tomonoura is a part of the Seto Inland Sea National Park. Tomonoura is a National Important Traditional Townscape Preservation District (重要伝統的建造物群保存地区).

8 files, last one added on Jan 24, 2006
Album viewed 299 times

2 albums on 1 page(s)