A World Heritage Site and one of Japan's most famous temples, Todaiji houses Japan's largest statue of the Buddha, a National Treasure. Temple was established about 1,200 years ago.
48 files, last one added on Oct 06, 2018 Album viewed 570 times
On the Sunday before the second Monday of Jan., 33 hectares of a hill called Wakakusa-yama next to Nara Park is burned at night. The burning hill looks more spectacular from afar, but we went up close.
33 files, last one added on Jan 21, 2006 Album viewed 305 times
Every evening during March 1-14, Todaiji temple priests carry torches on the balcony of Nigatsu-do Hall. Sparks falling from the torches bring good health. Tripods are not allowed in the viewing area. On March 12, the festival climaxes with sacred water drawn from a spring. However, there is not much to see for the average tourist. Only huge crowds of pilgrims that day. Also see the video at YouTube.
6 files, last one added on Mar 08, 2007 Album viewed 280 times
In 2010, Nara celebrated the 1300th anniversary of Heijo-kyo Capital with the Heijo Palace site serving as the main venue. Various events, entertainment, and activities were offered for almost free. Also see my video at YouTube. And another one here.
236 files, last one added on Jun 06, 2010 Album viewed 755 times