Home > SHIGA 滋賀県 > Koka 甲賀市

Koka Ninja House 甲賀流忍術屋敷


The world's only authentic ninja house still in its original location. Revolving doors, trap doors, and underground tunnels helped the ninja escape or hide from the enemy. They avoided direct combat as much as possible. Called Koka-ryu Ninjutsu Yashiki, this house was the residence of Mochizuki Izumo-no-kami, the leader clan of the Koga ninja. Located in Konan-cho, the former heart of the Koka ninja, popularly called Koga ninja. JR Konan Station on the Kusatsu Line is the closest train station. Special thanks to Takayuki Mochizuki (ninja descendant) for taking me here. Also see my YouTube video here. MAP

67 files, last one added on Mar 27, 2010
Album viewed 3157 times

Koka Ninja Village 甲賀の里 忍術村


Koka, Shiga Prefecture is known historically as a town of the Koga ninja. (Correct pronunciation is "Koka.") As a theme park, the Koka-no-Sato Ninjutsu-mura or Koka Ninja Village offers a good tourist sampling of ninja in a hidden village of former ninja houses transplanted to this "village." MAP

48 files, last one added on Feb 16, 2009
Album viewed 1985 times

Shigaraki 信楽


One of Japan's renown and historical centers for pottery, Shigaraki's heart is the Shigaraki Ceramic Cultural Park. A large, pleasant park boasting ceramic art, kilns, and museums. A great time to visit Shigaraki is during the Shigaraki Pottery Festival and Ceramic Art Market in mid-Oct. Shigaraki has a good number of pottery centers and Sotoen (宗陶苑) is major one. It covers a large ceramic park-like area. Also visited the ancient ruins of Shigaraki Imperial Palace and the monument for the tragic 1991 train accident. More about Koka here. MAP

167 files, last one added on Feb 24, 2022
Album viewed 1451 times

Shigaraki Fire Festival 信楽火まつり


Shigaraki Fire Festival is held annually on the fourth Sat. of July closest to July 23. It is a torch procession of 700 people (including children) who carry wooden torches on their shoulders from Shingu Shrine (新宮神社) to Atago Shrine on a hill and ending at the parking lot of the Shimin Center. The festival starts at 7 pm and the route is about 2.4 km long, taking about 50-60 min. From 9 pm, they shoot fireworks. The festival is held to give thanks to fire (for use in pottery kilns, industry, everyday life, etc.) and to pray for fire safety. Shingu Shrine and the Shimin Center is near Shigaraki Station.

43 files, last one added on Jun 17, 2020
Album viewed 325 times

Minakuchi-juku and Minakuchi Castle 水口宿・水口城


Following Tsuchiyama-juku, Minakuchi-juku was the fiftieth of the fifty-three stations of the Tokaido Road. The most prominent remnant is Minakuchi Castle. A moat, stone walls, and a reconstructed turret are all that remains. The turret serves as the Minakuchi Castle Museum. The original castle was built in 1634 as a rest place for shogun Tokugawa Iemitsu during his travels to and from Kyoto. But the shogun stayed at the castle only once. It later became the castle of the Minakuchi clan in 1682 headed by Lord Kato Akitomo. The old Tokaido Road in Minakuchi has a few other historical places like Minakuchi Shrine. Short walk from Minakuchi Jonan Station on the Omi Railway Line. MAP

123 files, last one added on Apr 24, 2011
Album viewed 1744 times

Minakuchi Hikiyama Matsuri Festival 水口曳山祭


Held on April 19-20 in Koka, Shiga Prefecture, Japan, the Minakuchi Hikiyama Festival has ornate Hikiyama floats pulled through town. On the festival eve, the floats are lit up with paper lanterns from 7 pm and Minakuchi-bayashi festival music is played. On the 20th, at 9 am, the floats are paraded through the streets as they head toward Minakuchi Jinja Shrine (near Minakuchi Jonan Station). Portable shrines also make their way to the shrine. During midday, ceremonies are held at the shrine. At 2 pm, a procession of Chigo children and portable shrines leave the shrine. MAP

137 files, last one added on Jul 04, 2009
Album viewed 450 times

Ai-no-Tsuchiyama Saio Princess Procession あいの土山斎王群行


Held on the last Sunday in March, the Ai-no-Tsuchiyama Saio Princess Procession reenacts the Tsuchiyama segment of the Saio Gunko procession when a new Saio princess traveled from Kyoto to Ise to be the High Priestess of Ise Grand Shrines in Mie Prefecture. The Saio princess was an unmarried, young Imperial princess, often the Emperor's daughter or sister, who was appointed (by divination) to be the High Priestess of Ise Grand Shrines from the 7th to 14th centuries. For about 660 years, over 60 Saio princesses served at Ise Grand Shrines.
The journey took 5 nights and 6 days, and passed through Otsu and Tsuchiyama in Shiga Prefecture. Tarumi Tongu in Tsuchiyama was one of the five palaces where the Saio lodged along the way.MAP

177 files, last one added on May 13, 2020
Album viewed 910 times

Kenketo Matsuri Festival and Odori Dance ケンケト祭・踊り


Held on May 3 by Takigi Jinja Shrine (龍樹神社) in Tsuchiyama, the Kenketo Odori is a dance performed by eight boys aged 7 to 12. The dance was originally started to ward off calamities. The boys wear tall peacock feathers on their heads. This Kenketo Odori Dance has been inscribed as a UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage in 2022 as one of Japan's furyu-odori (風流踊) ritual dances.
From Kibukawa Station (JR Kusatsu Line and Ohmi Railways), catch the Aikuru Bus and get off at Higashi Maeno. The shrine is a short walk toward the river. Also see my video at YouTube. MAP

98 files, last one added on Jun 06, 2010
Album viewed 430 times

Tsuchiyama-juku 土山宿


Tsuchiyama-juku in Tsuchiyama-cho was the forty-ninth of the fifty-three stations of the Tokaido Road, following Sakanoshita-juku in Mie. It is right after Suzuka Pass on the Suzuka mountains, one of the two most difficult sections of the Tokaido. Travelers thus were happy to see Tsuchiyama. Nicknamed "Ai no Tsuchiyama," the town is working hard to preserve its old buildings. The Tsuchiyama-juku Honjin where Shogun Tokugawa Iemitsu and Emperor Meiji lodged is still intact and well maintained. The Tsuchiyama Tokaido Museum is also a major attraction. Special thanks to Uno Yoshinobu who was my guide in Tsuchiyama. MAP

113 files, last one added on Apr 24, 2011
Album viewed 1074 times

Aburahi Matsuri Festival 油日祭り・奴振り


Held only once every five years, the Aburahi Festival with the yakko-furi procession was held by Aburahi Shrine in Koka, Shiga Prefecture, Japan on May 1, 2011. The procession features yakko samurai laborers who carry a trunk and sing. Others also dance. The procession makes a circular route near Aburahi and Koka Stations on the JR Kusatsu Line. MAP

105 files, last one added on Jun 26, 2011
Album viewed 421 times

Other sights in Koka-cho


Photos of other sights in southeastern Koka such as Koka Station's new station building opened in Nov. 2005. It resembles a farmer's warehouse. But what makes it unique are the seven wall murals depicting ninja. The paintings are designed to look three-dimensional and interactive so you can pose within the painting for picture-taking. Also, the Kusuri Gakushukan featuring Koka's history and industry of medicines, and Rakuyaji temple noted for numerous Buddhist statues which are Important Cultural Properties.

61 files, last one added on Feb 24, 2022
Album viewed 4960 times


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