Home > SHIGA 滋賀県 > Lake Biwa Rowing Song 琵琶湖周航の歌 英語版 > Lake Biwa Rowing Song Performances 英語版の公の場

2011 FISA World Rowing Tour at Lake Biwa, Japan. "Lake Biwa Rowing Song" was played as they rowed.

About 40 rowers from overseas rowed around Lake Biwa in Shiga Prefecture, Japan on June 5-11, 2011 for the annual FISA World Rowing Tour held for the first time in Asia. This video was taken on June 9 when they rowed from Nagahama to Hikone in northeastern Lake Biwa. The tour was hosted by the Seta Rowing Club in Otsu. FISA is the Fédération Internationale des Sociétés d'Aviron, the International Rowing Federation which is the governing body for international Rowing.

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