Home > OKINAWA 沖縄県 > OKINAWA ISLAND 沖縄本島 > Itoman 糸満市 > Himeyuri Cenotaph ひめゆりの塔
Poetry by Ii Fumiko (1917–2004 井伊文子) who was a great granddaughter of the last Ryukyu King, Sho Tai. She was married to the mayor of Hikone, Shiga Prefecture who was a descendant of the Ii Clan.
Keywords: okinawa itoman himeyuri war monument

Poetry by Ii Fumiko (1917–2004 井伊文子) who was a great granddaughter of the last Ryukyu King, Sho Tai. She was married to the mayor of Hikone, Shiga Prefecture who was a descendant of the Ii Clan.


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