Home > TOKYO 東京都 > Hachioji 八王子市 > Takao Baigo Plum Blossoms 高尾梅郷
Entrance to the walking path to see Yuhodo Bairin (遊歩道梅林). From Takao Station, it's a 15-min. walk to here.
The path goes along the river and you can walk all the way to Kogesawa Bairin on the far end, about 5 km away. It would take about 90 min. one way. Then take the bus back to Takao Station.
Keywords: tokyo hachioji takao baigo ume plum blossoms flowers

Entrance to the walking path to see Yuhodo Bairin (遊歩道梅林). From Takao Station, it's a 15-min. walk to here.

The path goes along the river and you can walk all the way to Kogesawa Bairin on the far end, about 5 km away. It would take about 90 min. one way. Then take the bus back to Takao Station.

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