Home > CHIBA 千葉県 > Ichikawa 市川市 > Ichikawa Water & Greenery Corridor 水と緑の回廊
Water & Greenery Corridor (Mizu-to-Midori-no-Kairo) is a semi-urban, hiking trail in the northwestern part of Ichikawa fronting the border with Tokyo along Edogawa River.
This part of Ichikawa is dotted with patches, hills, and slithers of small forests, parks, and ponds. This "Corridor" links all this greenery and bodies of water to help protect and preserve the flora and fauna in a coordinated effort by local environmental groups.
This is a map of the trail. Download the official map here: [url=https://www.city.ichikawa.lg.jp/gre01/1111000022.html]https://www.city.ichikawa.lg.jp/gre01/1111000022.html[/url]
Keywords: chiba ichikawa park hiking trail mizu midori kairo

Water & Greenery Corridor (Mizu-to-Midori-no-Kairo) is a semi-urban, hiking trail in the northwestern part of Ichikawa fronting the border with Tokyo along Edogawa River.

This part of Ichikawa is dotted with patches, hills, and slithers of small forests, parks, and ponds. This "Corridor" links all this greenery and bodies of water to help protect and preserve the flora and fauna in a coordinated effort by local environmental groups.
This is a map of the trail. Download the official map here: https://www.city.ichikawa.lg.jp/gre01/1111000022.html

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