Home > SHIGA 滋賀県 > Maibara 米原市 > Maibara Basho Sumo Exhibition 大相撲米原場所
After it ended, the wrestlers rode on these buses. The next stop was Kyoto. Their autumn exhibition tour lasting till Oct. 26 would then take them to Tokushima, Kochi, Okayama, Shimane, Tottori, Hiroshima, and Yamaguchi Prefectures.
Keywords: shiga maibara sumo exhibition tournament wrestlers rikishi ozumo

After it ended, the wrestlers rode on these buses. The next stop was Kyoto. Their autumn exhibition tour lasting till Oct. 26 would then take them to Tokushima, Kochi, Okayama, Shimane, Tottori, Hiroshima, and Yamaguchi Prefectures.

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