Home > AICHI 愛知県 > Gamagori 蒲郡市 > Takeshima 竹島

Most viewed - Takeshima 竹島
Torii on Takeshima island337 views
Takeshima island is connected by a bridge. The island is uninhabited, but has a Yaotomi Jinja Shinto shrine (八百富神社) dedicated to goddess Takeshima Benten. Designated as a Natural Monument for its flora which greatly differs from that on shore.302 views
400-meter long bridge to Takeshima island near JR Gamagori Station. The island is made of granite. Circumference is 680 meters. There's a walking path around the island.220 views
My bicycle somewhere in Gamagori.201 views
JR Gamagori Station. In the foreground is my bicycle.188 views
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